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Author's POV


The loud voice startled Sehun and Kai in the room before a small figure barged between them.

Sehun widened his eyes in shock as he felt someone jumped into his arms. He looked below to see Jungwoo burying his face on his stomach.

"Jungwoo?," he asked in concern as he could feel his clothes getting wet at the spot. His finger moved to ruffle the boy's hair softly.

Jungwoo's shoulder was obviously shaking and he could hear the sobs coming out from him.

"S–Sehunnie," he slowly lifted up his puffy face to see the elder. "Don't be sick again," before his tears started to burst out.

It made the adults in the room panicked. Sehun lifted the boy's body to place him on his lap, hugging him closely to his body.

"Shh, it's okay and I'm fine now," he whispered those words to calm the little boy.

They stayed in that position for a few while until the tears stopped. "Are you okay now hm?," the elder asked and could feel the boy's nodding.

Jungwoo looked up. His eyes were still red and his lips formed a sad pout.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed. His little hand slowly rubbed his own eyes, getting rid of those tears stains.

Sehun smiled gently. He moved the boy's hand from his eyes and slowly wiped the tears with his thumbs.

"It's not your fault," he said. "I'm really glad you're fine," his fingers caressed those puffy cheeks.

Jungwoo nodded. "But I don't like it when you were sick," he continued to pout. "Everyone was sad and me too," he started to whine and hugged the elder tightly.

Sehun let out a soft chuckle. "I'm sorry for making you sad," he planted a fond kiss on the boy's forehead.

"No no, Sehunnie is not wrong," he shook his head fervently. "I will take care of you after this and I will ask samcheon too," he said those in a serious voice tone.

Before he turned to Kai who was since just now looking at their interactions in silence.

"Samcheon, you need to promise me to take care of Sehunnie," he stated, pulling out his pinky finger towards the uncle.

Kai was kind taken back because of that. He smiled fondly before intertwining their fingers together. Without Jungwoo telling him he would sacrifice himself to take a good care of Sehun.

"I promise," he said those.

Jungwoo turned to Sehun again and this time with his usual smile. He unconsciously yawned while rubbing his eyes.

Honestly, he was sleepy but he fought back so that he could meet Sehun. 

"How are you, Sehun?," Suho asked as he walked closer towards the younger on the bed. He raised his hand to stroke his face gently.

Sehun smiled towards him. "I'm feeling better, Hyung," he replied. 

"Thank you," the elder mouthed those, sincerely. He was really thankful. If not for Sehun, he was not sure what could possibly happen to Jungwoo.

"Thank you for saving Jungwoo," he uttered while glancing at the already asleep kid beside Sehun. "If not because of you I don't know what could have happened," he continued.

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