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Author's POV

"Master," Chanyeol called out but he didn't get any reply for it. He looked up and saw the trouble expression.

A frown formed on his face as he saw the younger. Something must had happened to make him worried like this.

He hummed to get the attention but Kai was still in his own world.

"Master?," he knocked on the table, enough to startle the latter. He lifted one of his eyebrows in confusion.

Kai lifted his head to look up at the elder. "Ah, you are here?," he rubbed his forehead.

Chanyeol frowned. "Did something happen?," he questioned right after that. Even if he didn't ask, he knew about it.

"What do you mean?"

The elder sighed and took his place on the chair right in front of the boss. He stared at him.

"What are you thinking about?," he asked straight to the point. It was so obvious after all.

Kai released a heavy sigh as a response to the question. There was no use to be lying to Chanyeol, he would know right away.

"That bastard," he hissed in anger while rubbing his own forehead. "I met him the other day," he huffed afterwards.

Chanyeol nodded as hearing that. Well he was not surprised by that, it was expected actually.

"So what did he do?," he questioned right away. Even by meeting him could make him gone mad so what did this person do?

"You know him," Kai scoffed as he leaned backwards against the chair he was sitting. "Just by seeing him could make me angry," he said.

"I mean his parents killed my parents so we killed them back, isn't that fair?"

Chanyeol let out a chuckle. Well it was kind of true.

"Yeah, fair enough," he stated as a reply. "But not for him obviously," he continued and looked at the younger.

Kai rolled his eyes in annoyance. "He is aiming Sehun right now," he muttered as the image of Sehun passed his mind.

He could not imagine if anything happened to Sehun. It would be the end of him, he could not let that ever happen.

"I bet you didn't tell him about it right?," Chanyeol retorted afterwards. He already knew it after looking at the latter's face.

"What should I tell him, Hyung?," Kai snapped as he rubbed his face in frustration.

"Your parents were killed by the same person who killed my parents but we managed to kill them so right now his son is trying to take his revenge by aiming you because he knew about us."

"Should I tell him that, Hyung?," Kai looked up at the elder with his annoyed look after uttering those long words.

Chanyeol bursted out his laughter after hearing that. He didn't expect that Kai would be reacting this way.

"Look," he tried to calm himself down first. "This is not something that I can easily tell him," he exhaled sharply.

Chanyeol nodded. "I agree with that but you better prepare the answer if anything might happen," he responded.

Kai sighed for the recent times. "Yeah," he shortly replied.

"By the way where is he?," the elder questioned after a while. "I haven't see him today," he said.

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