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Author's POV

Sehun was smiling all along while he was in the living room. He could not hold his lips from curling up.

"Sehunnie," Jungwoo called out the elder with his grinning smile. He was clinging to Sehun ever since the latter arrived.

He didn't even let Kai to be near them even for a while. But that was not a problem for Sehun, he was still mad remember?

"Yes, Jungwoo?," Sehun responded and lowered his head to look at the little boy.

"Jungwoo feels happy when Sehunnie is here," the boy stated and shot his innocent smile.

Sehun chuckled and his hand moved to ruffle the boy's hair softly. "Really?," he said.

Jungwoo nodded in excitement. "Soooo happy!," he exclaimed and jumped into the elder's arms.

Sehun curved a fond smile at him. His heart was feeling warm to be hearing those words from Jungwoo, he was.glad to be hearing that.

"Me too," he replied and planted a light peck on the boy's forehead.

The little boy's face lit up as he heard that from Sehun. "Can Sehunnie come here to play with Jungwoo?," he asked.

The elder nodded with his sincere smile. "Of course," he said. "But as long as Jungwoo promises to be a good boy," he reminded the boy.

Jungwoo pointed out his pinky finger right away afterwards. "Promise!," he exclaimed and giggled in excitement.

Meanwhile literally not far from them, a person was staring without letting off even for a second.

He could not stop letting out gruntings and snortings since just now and didn't seem like he wanted to stop.

"So Sehun is mad at him?," Kris questioned as he was sitting at the table not far. He was looking at the expressions of his brother.

Suho responded with a light chuckling. "Yep, it seems like that," he said.

Kris rolled his eyes. "Let him be," he replied and took a sip of his drink. "It is good to be seeing him like this sometimes," he said.

The younger furrowed his eyebrows as he heard that. "Yeah," he agreed with the statement actually.

"He is being himself back at least," he continued and was looking at the interactions of those kids.

Kris turned to Suho for a while  before nodding his head. It was true, and to be honest he felt relieved and glad as well.

"Kai," he called out the younger brother and made the latter turned his face to their side.

Kai was putting on his annoyed and upset expression. He was completely being ignored.

"Come here," Kris sounded and pointed at the empty chair right in front of him.

Kai reluctantly stood up from his seat and approached the two elder. "Yeah?," he plopped down.

The elder furrowed his eyebrows to be seeing him. "Being jealous huh?," he teased.

"Huh," the younger scoffed as a response. "I wouldn't be jealous over a little boy," he said.

Suho grinned. "You will get jealous even for small things if it is Sehun," he responded to it.

Kai hissed in embarassment. Well he didn't have any choice than just to agree with it.

It was kinda true.

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