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Author's POV

Sehun walked into the living room and saw Chanyeol was standing there, he approached him.

"Good morning, Chanyeol Hyung," he greeted him brightly and shot a wide smile to him.

Chanyeol turned his body around and saw Sehun. He replied with a smile. "Good morning, Sehun."

He was already back working with Kai now and Sehun would stay at home most of the times.

His job was to make sure Kai's needs was fulfillef whenever he wanted. He would be at the office sometimes to help with some stuffs.

Mostly, already preparing for the events soon. He needed to make sure it would go well.

But he was sometimes annoyed as the boss started getting clingy to him for no reason.

Oh gosh. He really looked like his babysitter for now right?

"Where is Master?," Chanyeol questioned. "He supposed to be at the company in 10 more minutes," he said.

Sehun responded while rolling his eyes. "You know how he is, Hyung," he replied.

They grew up to be close as the times passed including with Baekhyun, and he was comfortable around them.

Chanyeol chuckled lightly. He couldn't believe that someone would ever roll his eyes at the Master.

"Sehun, can you buy some breakfast for Master and send it to office?," he asked as he glanced at his wrist watch.

"It's already late and I don't have time to buy it," Sehun nodded as a reply. "Sure, I'll send it later," he stated.

"Is everything is ready?," a voice sounded from behind of them, Kai just approached.

He stood up between them and was rubbing his own back.

"Yes, Master," Chanyeol replied and nodded but he furrowed his eyebrows afterwards.

He needed to ask about it. "What's wrong with your back, Master," he carefully asked.

Kai responded with a huffing and glared at Sehun. "Someone just kick me off the bed this morning all of sudden," he hissed.

While Sehun only glared back. "You can't blame me if you're the one who is really hard to wake up," he replied.

"But you can't just kick your own boss like that!," Kai retorted to the younger.

Sehun huffed. "Oh yeah? Then just fire me!," he responded with a highet tone as well.

"Stop threatening me, you know I can't!," Kai replied.

"Then just bear with it," Sehun stated calmly. He was actually didn't know why people were so scared of Kai.

It was not like he would kill anyone, right?

Kai huffed. Loss at his words as he didn't know what else to reply.

Chanyeol was still standing still while watching those two bickering at each other.

He wanted to laugh but only smiled. Never expected to see someone yelling at Kai like this.

It's true. Love could change everything.

"I'm sorry Master, but we shall go now," he soundef after a while and bit  his lips from bursting into laughter as he looked at the annoyed expression on Kai's face.

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