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Author's POV

"Do I have any appointment for today?," Kai was asking while going through the files he just received.

Beside him, Kris was listening while checking the things he needed to.

Chanyeol took out the book he always brought along with him and started reading out to Kai.

"For today, you don't have any meetings and any events," he read out while still eyeing the notes thoroughly but was stopped suddenly. "but...." he was hesitated.

Kai lifted his head and furrowed his eyebrows at Chanyeol. "What is it?," he questioned and all his attention was at him.

Chanyeol gulped down nervously. He remembered he had told them to not making this kind of appointment ever again.

"Master," he bravely lifted his head and exhaled sharply. "An appointment for interview-

As soon as he mentioned that, a loud slam was heard across the room. "I told you to stop those stupid interviews!," Kai was standing with his fist that just slammed the table.

Chanyeol inhaled deeply. "I already told them to not receive any interviews, it's my mistake for not checking it first, Master," he uttered while bowing down deeply.

"Yes! It's your responsibility to take care of these things," Kai was holding back his anger.

His mood was not so good today and plus this interview things made it worse.

"It's not Chanyeol's fault," Kris who was silent at the moment started opening his mouth.

He closed the file and placed it on thr table in front of him. "I'm the one who agreed with the interview," he stated.

Kai grunted in anger. "Hyung, you know I hate these kind of things," he exclaimed.

Kris nodded calmly. "Yes and that's why I decided to accept," he stated as he knew Kai would not dare to do anything.

The younger snorted. "Those people just want to get my informations and sell them to others, we can't trust any person nowadays," he slammed the file on his table and plopped down harshly on the chair.

Kris released a heavy sigh as he heard that. "You need to start opening yourself again, I just want my brother to be back like before not like now," he slowly stated and made Kai shut.

He slowly walked to the front door and turned around. "This is my decision and you must obey it," he stated firmly before walking out.

Kai snorted in anger. He knew he could not refuse it if it was an order from Kris.

He was heartless, he was cold but he never ever disrespected his brothers. That was Kim Kai.

Finally he harshly threw his file and looked up at Chanyeol. "This is the last one and make sure nothing happens this time."

Chanyeol quickly nodded. "Yes, Master," he replied and stepped out of the room after getting the permissions from the boss.

"About interview again?," he heard the question as soon as he went out of the room.

A heavy sigh came out from his lips. "Yeah," he replied and plopped down on one of the seat.

"Where's Tao?," Chanyeol was asking while his eyes was on the elder guy in front of him.

The guy shrugged. "Have something to deal with, so why don't you just cancel it rather than seeing him this mad?," he questioned again.

Chanyeol placed his things on the table. "Lay, if I can do it I will already do it," he straightly looked into Lay's eyes.

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