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Author's POV

Kai was shifting in his seat uncomfortably even when his eyes were focusing on the road. It was obvious that he was nervous about something.

"What's wrong with you?," Sehun finally questioned after he realising something was wrong.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as the latter turned to him. A worried expression was obviously be shown on his face.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

Kai replied but it did not satisfied Sehun enough. "Kai, you obviously are not fine," he said. "Now, tell me." 

Sehun was looking at him with a stern look and he knew he could not hide anymore.

"Er, will Luhan Hyung be okay with me coming over?," he finally confessed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Sehun released a heavy sigh after hearing that question. He thought it was something dangerous but turned out-

He looked at the elder. "Didn't you already met him before?," he asked with a frown.

"Well yeah but what if he suddenly changes his mind?," Kai said. "What if he doesn't like me to be with you?," he started to ramble.

Sehun huffed sharply. "Kai!," he exclaimed. "If he doesn't like you, I will probably being dragged away from your house," he uttered.

"Stop overthinking, they like you," he stated those to calm the elder. 

Kai curled up his lips. Well he could not help but to be thinking about the possibilities right?

Luhan actually had been asking Sehun to come back so they could meet but Sehun suddenly came out with the idea of inviting him as well.

"I was feeling the same when I was meeting your family," he suddenly uttered out which reminded both of them at that time. 

Kai smiled fondly. "Yeah, they like you at the first glance," he said. "Even Jungwoo really loves you."

Sehun chuckled lightly. "Yeah, so you don't have to feel worry about it."

"If they don't like you will you leave me then?," Sehun's sudden question made him surprised. He did not mean to make Sehun think like that.

The elder reached Sehun's hand. "Sehun," he called out softly. "I will remind you that no one can take you away from me, no one can make us a part." 

Sehun lifted his eyebrow. "Even if it is Luhan Hyung?," he asked.

"Even Luhan Hyung."

"So you don't have to feel worry," Sehun continued. "Because I will never let anyone separate us as well," he said.

Kai was smiling widely to be hearing that. Sehun always got him speechless like this.

He took a deep breath as his car stopped at the house area. They both went out and straightly walked to the front door.

"Hyung, we are here!," without even knocking, Sehun went inside of the house while shouting excitedly.

Kyungsoo appeared with his smile and buried Sehun into his arms right away. Leaving Kai feeling awkward behind.

"Finally you came," he uttered. "Hi, Kai," he greeted the latter warmly.

Kai bowed down awkwardly. "Hi, nice to see you," he let out a grinning.

"No need to feel tense, just make yourself at home," Kyungsoo noticed that and shot a comfort smile to him.

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