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Author's POV

"Good morning, Kai," Sehun greeted excitedly and suprised Kai with a sudden hug from behind.

He tilted his head to meet the elder's gaze. "Good morning, Sehun," Kai responded and pecked a light kiss on his lips.

He fixed his necktie before turning around to face Sehun. "You're ready?," he questioned and looked at Sehun.

Sehun nodded. "Yes I'm ready, Mr Kim," he grinned. "Oh, I mean Master," he lifted one of his eyebrows to tease the elder.

Kai let out a chuckle to be hearing that. "So you wanna play 'Master' with me now hm?," he curled up a smirk.

"Nope," the younger shook his head. "You're late for work anyway so we will do it next time," he uttered and grabbed their things.

Next time? Well that was a promise.

Sehun wrapped his hands around the latter's arms and both of them walked down the stairs together.

The maids were looking at them with their fangirl smile. It had been a while since this house was filled with loves like this.

They really should be thanking Sehun for all of these. Because of him Kai rarely got mad over some small things.

"Good morning," Chanyeol bowed and smiled slightly to the two younger. He expected everything would turn out fine.

Sehun smiled at him. "Good morning, Hyung," he responded and unwrapped his arms from Kai but the latter pulled him even closer.

"Well I actually want to let you two enjoy the times but we have lots of works waiting for us," the elder suddenly stated and glanced at his wrist watch.

Kai let out a heavy sigh. "Can't you postpone it?," he questioned.

Sehun reached out his hand to smack the elder's head lightly. "This will not happen if you don't disappear for the whole week," he stated.

"Who's the causer of it then?," the elder retorted while rubbing the back of his head.

Sehun rolled his eyes as a response. "Now let's go and get your works done," he stated and started pushing him out of the house.

Chanyeol shook his head while looking at the two's interaction. He felt relieved to be seeing this after a while.

He followed them from behind with his fond smile at them. Should he just ask them to get married now?

"I'm thinking about letting you do your old job again," Kai suddenly uttered as they were in the car heading for the office.

Sehun arched his eyebrows as he heard that. "Really?," he felt glad to be hearing that.

He missed his old job, his friends. It had been a while since he met them. Although they were in touch and still contact each other.


"Em, I mean I don't mind sticking with this job you know," Sehun uttered after a while. He did feel that way.

Kai turned and looked at Sehun. He was making sure whether what he heard was the true thing.

"Are you serious?," he questioned to be making sure about it. "You're fine with the risk you will face if you want to work for me?," he felt glad to be honest.

The younger nodded firmly. "I was ready at the moment I say love to you," he responded and bravely leaned closer to Kai, pecking his lips softly.

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