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"Master, I have fixed the proposal you asked me before," Chanyeol uttered as he placed the file on the boss' table.

He frowned to not receive any response from the said person. Once again, his eyebrows snapped in confusion while examining the expression on his face.

"Master?," the elder raised his hand and waved it in front of the boss to gain his attention.

He huffed heavily and nudged the younger on his shoulder, "Kai!"

His action finally startled the boss from his own thoughts. Kai looked around before landing his eyes on Chanyeol.

"Oh, when did you arrive?," he asked while fixing his sitting position.

Chanyeol released a heavy sigh. "I have been here since half an hour ago," he stated.

"What is wrong?," he asked in concern. He had always been close to Kai and although he worked as his right man, he would change into an older brother if needed.

Kai sighed deeply before slamming his body on the sofa inside of his room. "Hyung, do you know what happened to Sehun?," he asked with an unreadable expression.

The elder looked at him with a questioning look. "What happened to Sehun?," he answered the question with another question.

"He seems....moody lately," Kai unsurely replied. "Well he always is but this time it becomes worse," he sighed harshly.

Chanyeol frowned deeper. "What did you do that makes him react that way?," he asked.

"That is the problem! I can't figure out what did I do that could possibly upset him that much," he exclaimed and rubbed his face out of frustration.

"Okay, why don't you try asking him?," he tried suggesting the most safest way he could think of at the moment.

Kai sighed. "And risking my own life? I would rather jump off the cliff than get myself killed for asking a wrong question," he shivered just by the thought of it.

The elder let out a chuckle. "Well who would expect for the brave and outstanding Kim Kai to be scared of his own husband," he remarked which made the latter glared.

"I'm not scared, I just love him," he tried to reason out although it did not really make sense.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes as a response. "Well then-

Before he could finish up his sentence, the door was slammed open and walked in the person they were talking about. His face was obviously not happy and annoyed, his eyebrows were snapped and his lips did not curl any smiles.

"Kim Jongin! I told you that I want milk tea but it has been an hour and there is still no milk tea on my table!," he seemed too furious just for wanting a milk tea.

Kai glanced at Chanyeol who was shocked as well.

"Er I forgot to tell Tao to buy it for you, I will ask him right now, okay baby?," he immediately stood up and texted Tao a quick text before walking closer towards him.

Sehun rolled his eyes in annoyance as he marched towards the sofa in the room and plopped down. Kai followed afterwards and made his place beside the latter.

He hinted for Chanyeol to leave both of them alone which the elder right away understood. He excused himself and walked towards the door.

"Chanyeol Hyung!," he stopped and turned around to Sehun. He flashed him an awkward smile in return.

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