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Author's POV

"It's already late?," Sehun muttered as he was glancing at his wrist watch to see the time.

It had passed his work's time and it was already the time to go home. He started tidied up his things and stood up from the seat.

But his eyes suddenly stopped at the door right in front of his work table. "Where is he?," he mumbled to himself.

Kai didn't enter the office yet until now and he was wondering why. But he shrugged off, thinking maybe the boss had already left home.

Sehun was still feeling weird over the boss, he looked mysterious and like there were lots of secrets hiding behind him.

He looked around and there was not much people left, most of them already went back home.

"I need to go now," he once again glanced at the wrist watch and started walking to the lift.

While waiting for it, he remembered there were not many things left at his house.

So he decided to stop by to get some groceries on his way back. He could get something to eat as well.

He took his cell phone and also his car's key before sprinting to the front door.

He got in the car and reved up the engine after getting in, driving it away from the office.

"I'm so tired today," he was muttering all the way until reached the place he wanted to go.

The car stopped at the parking space and his legs went out from the afterwards.

Sehun was looking around the place while searching for the things he needed.

He was used to buy groceries for himself. He was taught to do all things without any helps.

"One more thing and done!," he muttered in excitement while searching for the last thing.

But as he was walking to the place, a figure was already standing there before him.

He wanted to walk away but he really needed the things for him to buy so no more choice for him than approaching him.

"Sehun?," the deep and soothing voice sounded as soon as he approached him closer.

"Uh-Mr Kim?," Sehun was suprised to see Kai was already standing right in front of his way.

Looked like the guy was here to get some groceries like him. Or not?

He bowed down slightly and glanced at his bandaged arms. He wanted to ask but chose to remain silent.

"You're going back?," Kai questioned while looking at Sehun and the latter nodded.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong with your arm?," he slowly tried to ask.

Kai turned his attention to the place Sehun was pointing. "Nothing, not a big problem," he replied after sighing.

He couldn't tell Sehun about the truth.

Sehun was unsure with that answer but he just nodded.

"If there's nothing else I will go now," he politely excused himself amd was about to walk away after getting a nod from the boss.

"Sehun wait," but he was stopped as he suddenly called out his name. Sehun slowly turned his body around and looked up at him with a questioning look.

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