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Author's POV

Sehun slowly opened his eyes as he felt the sun rays on his face. He lazily stretched up his arms and glanced at the clock beside the table and his eyes widened in suprise at the moment.

"It's already late!," he exclaimed and wanted to jump off the bed when he noticed some slight oddness. 

He looked around and noticed the bedroom was kind of different from the bedroom he used to sleep in. It was familiar but it was not his bedroom.

"Where is this?," his mind could not remember well as he just woke up from the sleep and still admiring the bedroom before his eyes fell on the figure sleeping beside him.

His eyes widened to see Kai was sleeping soudly right beside him with a bare body. He wanted to freak out at the moment and quickly checked himself.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he noticed that the last night clothes was still on his body. But why was Kai not wearing anything now?

Did something happened? 

Sehun tried to recall back what had happened last night and the only thing was Kai's confession, and their kiss.

Alright, his face started burning out of embarassment as he remembered about the kiss.

Or something happened after that?

He really could not remember anything at all.

As he was still in his deep thoughts, the figure beside him started shifting in his sleep.

He opened his eyes as he could not feel the presence beside him.

"Sehun?," Kai rubbed his half-opened eyes while trying to look at Sehun who was fully awake.

Sehun blinked his eyes nervously and curled up an awkward smile. "You're awake?," he stuttered. 

Kai sat up and leaned his back against the bed head. "What's wrong?," he questioned as he saw the stares from Sehun.

"N–Nothing," the younger responded and turned his face to look away.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows and crawled closer towards Sehun. "Your face is red, are you sick?," he slowly questioned.

Sehun flinched as he felt the hands on his features. "N–No, I'm fine," he responded.

"Kai," he called out softly after a while and was unsure but he needed to ask something.

"D–Did something happen last night?," his face was reddened as he was asking that.

While Kai was looking at him with a deep frown before he finally understood what was that supposed to mean.

He curled up a smirk while staring at Sehun. "Why? You don't remember about it?," he stated.

Sehun widened his eyes in disbelief.

Did it really happened?

"R–Remember what?," he stumbled back before Kai caught him into his arms.

He could not move around now. "About what happened last night," he flinched as he heard those.

Kai chuckled. "You," he stopped in between before continuing his words.

"Fell asleep while were kissing last night so I didn't have any chance to do anything," he finally explained what actually was happening.

Sehun huffed as a response. He felt relief at least.

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