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Author's POV

Chanyeol gulped nervously as he could feel the tense atmosphere around him at the moment. He, himself didn't know what was the cause of all of this.

He nudged the person beside him to gain his attention. "What's wrong with him?," he questioned while hinted to the other one.

Kai shook his head to response to the question that was being uttered. He looked at the direction the elder pointed where Sehun was.

After the meeting, no one knew the reason but Sehun looked totally pissed about something. He would put on his annoyed face and his usual smile somehow disappeared.

Even when Kai tried to talk, he would glare at him without any words and left him in dumbfounded.

"Hyung, you need to help me now," Kai pleaded and looked at the elder with his pleading stares.

Chanyeol huffed sharply. "What do you want me to do?," he asked, he didn't even know what was going on between them.

Kai sighed as a result. "You are with me the whole day so you must know if I did something that pissed him off," he was still figuring out.

The other had no clue as well. Yeah, he was with Kai this whole day but he was confused too.

Sehun started getting like this after he saw Daniel coming to the office. So did this had anything to do with that guy?

"He never get angry like this before," Kai raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. "What should I do?"

Chanyeol shrugged his shoulder. "You need to talk to him, ask him about it," he said.

Kai nodded. Well guess that was the only thing he could do for now.

But talking to Sehun right now was an impossible thing as seeing how he was not in the mood even to have a small talk.

"But I bet he wouldn't want to talk to me," he said and a sigh escaped his lips afterwards.

He was even more frustrated right now to think of the ways. As he was still in the middle of it, Chanyeol excused himself to pick up a call for someone.

Kai once again sighed and he couldn't count for how many times he had been sighing for today.

"Mr Kim," Sehun suddenly approached him with few papers inside his hands and placed them on the table.

"I have collected the reports from the staffs so I would like you to have a check on it before I will proceed," he slided the papers until they reached Kai.

Rather than looking at the papers, Kai took the chance to look up at the lover. "Sehun."

His voice called out the latter's name which made him turned his gaze towards him.

"Are you okay?," he questioned out of concern. His eyes were staring gently at the other one to show how worried he was.

Sehun quickly turned his face away before he could be swept away by those stares again. "What do you mean?"

He knew exactly what was the meaning behind that question. It was not Kai's fault that he was acting like this and he admitted that.

But he blamed Daniel for ruining his mood today. He could not stop thinking about the meeting just now and it still pissed him off just by thinking of him.

"You know what I mean, baby," Kai uttered with a soft voice. Ditch the formalities for now, his Sehun was more important at this moment.

Sehun silently cussed himself for being shy just by hearing Kai's voice. Couldn't blame him about this, Kai's soft voice and the way he called him baby really hit him in the soft spot everytime.

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