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Author's POV

"Kai!," Sehun's exclaim was heard through the mansion on a quiet morning.

The whole mansion decided to keep silent as they heard it, it was actually a normal thing to be seen every morning and besides who else was dare to yell at Master like that?

Sehun stomped his feet along his way to the downstairs with an annoyed expression. "That idiot," he muttered.

Kai soon appeared and he was walking while following Sehun's steps. "Sehun, I'm sorry," he uttered and approached the younger.

He plopped down on the sofa where Sehun was sitting. "Come on, don't be mad at me like this," he said and pulled Sehun closer to him.

Sehun snorted as a reply and pushed the elder with his one hand. "Why do you need to be so clingy to me today?," he snapped and frowned.

"I just feel like I want to be near you, that's all," Kai responded and soon curled up a charming smile.

The younger huffed sheepishly to hear that. "But you are being so annoying!," he said those actually to hide back his embarassment.

He knew the elder was starting to act like this after what had happened between them last night.

"I just did this to you, you should be grateful you know?," Kai snorted and crossed his arms on his chest while looking away, pretending to be sulking.

Sehun scoffed and glanced at his side where Kai was sulking. It looked weird to see this guy reacting like this.

"Seriously, are you sulking?," he questioned and turned around his body to face the guy.

Kai huffed before replying. "Yes, I am," he replied and pouted his plump lips. He felt freaking embarassed to be doing this right now to be honest.

Sehun really tried to hold back laughter from bursting out. It was really funny to be seeing something like this.

But he admitted Kai was adorable though.

"You are not going to office today?," Sehun questioned as he knew it was already the time for Kai to be in the office.

Kai shook his head as a reply. "I told you, I want to be near you all the day for today," he responded whch made blush crept up on Sehun's face.

Sehun snorted. "So are you going to ask me out for a date then?," he was saying that randomly and didn't mean at all.

But Kai seemed like took it really seriously. "Good idea actually!," he retorted and looked at Sehun.

"U-Uh Kai, I didn't say I want a date," he tried finding any reasons for it but too late as Kai was already looking so excited.

He was thinking to follow the flow and just went with Kai did. He was not sure with his own feelings yet but he knew it would come sooner or later.

Seeing how Kai treated him, maybe it would come even sooner?

Kai suddenly shifted even closer to Sehun as the latter was still deep in his own thoughts and placed his chin on his shoulder.

"What are you thinking hm?," he questioned out with his soothing voice and smiled fondly at him.

Sehun was startled as he suddenly saw Kai's face few inches from his when he was turning his head to the side.

He shook his head. "N-Nothing actually," he responded and turned his attention away.

Kai used his finger to pull Sehun's face to look at him. "If you are thinking about my confession. you don't have to worry about it," he gently said those.

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