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Author's POV

"Mr Kim," Sehun bowed down slightly as he saw Kai just entered the office.

He didn't know why he felt nervous whenever he saw the boss. The last night incident kept on running inside his mind.

Kai was stepping towards his room door and stopped at Sehun's table. "What do I have for today?," he questioned.

"Nothing much, just a meeting with the supplier company," Sehun explained what was written in the file.

Kai nodded once before entering his own office afterwards. Sehun plopped down as soon as he left.

He inhaled deeply. "How can he act like he didn't do anything?," he mouthed.

He was acting like he never did anything to Sehun and those things before were not important things.

"Of course he wouldn't care," Sehun released a sharp sigh. "He totally already did that to many people before," he muttered.

At times like this, how Sehun wished he was working in his old company and become a normal photographer.

He sighed out loud. "It's okay Sehun," he muttered. "After the company event you are free from any of things regarding him," he said to himself.

He wished it would happen as soon as possible.

"Sehun," he stood up from the seat as he saw Tao was walking towards him.

"The supplier is here," Tao stated. "I will bring them to the meeting room first," he announced and walked away.

Sehun took the files he would need and walked towards the door beforw knocking on it.

"Come in," the firm voice tone from inside sounded.

Sehun swinged the door open. "Mr Kim, the supplier is here," he stated to the boss.

Kai lifted his head from the papers to Sehun. "Ask them to wait, I'll be there shortly," he said.

"Yes, Mr Kim," he replied and closed the door afterwards.

Sehun huffed in annoyance after teling Tao about it. He stood up at at the door while waiting for the boss.

"Why does he suddenly be so cold towards me?," he mumbled under his breath while waiting.

He was annoyed by the sudden change of the boss and he didn't know why he needed to be bothered of that.

"Sehun?," he was suddenly startled by the voice. "Mr Kim, you're here," he grinned awkwardly.

"Who is being cold towards you?," the sudden question from Kai suprised Sehun.

He stuttered. "U-Uh, they are already waiting for you, Mr Kim," he quickly changed the topic.

Sehun turned around and opened the door before Kai could say anything. It would be a big mess if he found out.

Kai curled up a slight smirk as he was seeing Sehun. It was obvious that the guy was talking about him.

He stepped inside the room with Sehun following behind him. "Sorry to keep you waiting," he mouthed and plopped down.

"Taehyun–ssi, how have you been?," Kai began the talk as he sat down. A smile curved on his face.

The guy with the name Taehyun chuckled as a reply. "It's really unusual for you to be asking that but I'm doing good," he responded.

Kai scoffed. "So, why do you want to meet me?," as usual from Kai, straightly to the point.

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