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Author's POV


"I'm glad that you accepted my invitation, Kai-ssi," Daniel uttered as they were seated at the table. They were currently in a restaurant to have a dinner, kinda celebrating their successful project.

Even though it was obvious that Kai was reluclant to be there mostly when it was just the two of them. But for the sake of work, he did not have any choice but to attend it.

He shot a polite smile. "Well, I would like to thank you as well for the project."

Daniel nodded. "It is my honour to be working with you," followed with a light chuckling. "Maybe we can work together more in the future?," he curved a slight smirk.

Kai only replied with a half shrug.

"Oh, you did not bring your assistant today?," suddenly, he blurted out the question. "It is unusual for you two to be apart from each other," it might sounded normal, but Kai could catch the meaning behind.

"No, he had some other things to do," he chose to answer it normally. "He will not feel comfortable to be in this kind of place," his eyes wandered around the kinda luxury restaurant.

Honestly at first he wanted to refuse the invitation but Sehun was the one insisting him to go. It made him confused as well but he was not brave enough to say no to him.

It was a silence between them after that. Both with their own thoughts.

" him huh?"

It was kind of out of blue. But as he saw how the latter looked at him, he surely nodded and clearly answered.

"Yeah, so much," his lips broke into a wide smile afterwards. No doubt about his feelings towards Sehun for sure. 

Kai was not quite sure but he caught the dissapointment inside those eyes after he said those. But not that it was matter for him.

Daniel scoffed, suddenly. "I bet Sehun already told you about everything right?," he stated while taking a sip of his drink. 

"What do you mean?," he was pretending to not understand.

"I know he told you," the male uttered, looking outside of the window beside their table. "About my feelings, everything," he refused to make any eyes contact. 

Kai took a deep breath. "Yeah, he did," he answered shortly. Well, it was not like what he expected to be to confront him about this matter. 

"I still couldn't believe it," he sighed. "How can you? After everything that I did to you? To your family?," it was better to clear things up right now.

Daniel replied with a slight smile. "I know," he murmured. "But I can't stop this feelings, it came just like that," he responded.

It was understandable, Kai thought. But he could never do anything, he would not have that same feelings.

"I'm totally sure that you know that I won't be having the same feelings," he straight up uttered those. 

"Yeah," the other responded. "I just want to tell you."

Kai shrugged. He glanced at his wrist watch before turning to the other. "I need to go now, thank you for the dinner," he said while standing up and followed by him.

He pulled out his hand towards Daniel. "It was a nice experience to be able to work with you, thank for all of your helps," he bowed down politely before walked away.

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