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Author's POV

"Luhan Hyung, when did you get back?," Sehun exclaimed and jumped right into the elder's arms as he met him.

He could feel his eyes getting teary as well. "You didn't tell me you're back," he pouted as he looked at the elder.

Luhan let out a chuckles while ruffling the younger's hair gently. "I want to make it a surprise for you," he said.

"Besides, you are too busy with your boyfriend now so—

"H–How did you know?," blush crept up on Sehun's face as he heard that. He remembered not telling Luhan about this.

But he did tell Kyungsoo. He looked around the place if he could find Kyungsoo anywhere.

"Looking for me?," a voice sounded from behind him and he cracked a wide smile to be seeing the figure.

Kyungsoo buried the younger into his arms. "I miss you so much, Sehunnie," he tightened the hug.

Sehun was sobbing on his shoulder all the time. "M–Me too, why didn't you tell me you're back?," he questioned again.

"It's a surprise," Kyungsoo replied and his eyes landed on Kai at the moment. "So this is your boss hm?," he asked in a teasing way.

Kai blinked his eyes in shock and awkwardly bowed down to the elder. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kai," he introduced himself.

"Sehun told me a lot of things about you," Kyungsoo responded him with a smile.  "You are good looking just like he told me," he said.

Sehun widened his eyes to be hearing that. "Hyung, I never said that," he protested.

"You told Luhan Hyung?," he questioned after a while.

Kyungsoo shook his head. "Not me, I didn't tell him anything," he responded.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows even deeper. So if it was not Kyungsoo, then who was it?

"I was the one who told him , Sehun," Kris sounded after a while and it surprised both Sehun and Kai.

Luhan nodded. "If Kris didn't tell me about it, I surely wouldn't know what were you doing here all these times," his hand reached out to pinch the younger's nose.

Sehun yelled in annoyance while rubbing his own nose. 

"But how do you know each other?," he questioned after he realised it. They looked pretty close with each other.

Both of them turned to face each other and exchanged stares that only they knew the meaning behind it.

"Let's have a seat first," Luhan sounded to break the silence. "After this we will tell you everything," he said to Sehun.

Sehun arched his eyebrows in confusion but he nodded in response. As he was about to take his place, he noticed Kai was still standing still.

He turned to him. "Kai, what's wrong?," he questioned and examined the worried expression on the latter's face.

Kai stuttered and shook his head. "Nothing, I'm fine," he retorted.

But his actions were showing the different things. "I know you're not, tell me," Sehun stubbornly said.

"I'm worried," Kai finally uttered. "What if they don't like me?," he looked obviously worried about it.

Sehun wanted to burst into laughter but seeing how serious Kai was, he swallowed it in.

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