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Author's POV

"Do you know who is the guy?," one of the maid questioned to the other one while they were in the kitchen.

The whole mansion were busy at this time to prepare the food for their young Master.

and his guest.

"Who do you mean?," the other maid questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"The one who just moved in," she replied. "I heard that Master is the one who wanted him to move in," while looking around, to make sure no one was around.

"Really?," the other one sounded suprised. Never expected that this kind of thing will happen.

Honestly, other than Kai's family members, they rarely would get a guest.

'Cause of the Master obviously.

"If that happens, he is not just a normal one," she uttered while looking around to make sure there was no one.

They both giggled. "I agree, he must be someone special to him right?," the other one replied.

They were still talking about it and chattering without even noticing the presence behind them.

"Excuse me?," a guy's voice sounded from the door way, while looking at them.

"Uh—Sir," they looked shocked to see him standing right behind them. "Sorry, we didn't notice you," bowing deeply to him.

Sehun, furrowed his eyebrows while looking at them. He let out a deep sigh.

Meanwhile, the other two were hoping that Sehun would not listen to what they were talking just now.

Looked like it was too late as Sehun already heard everything of it and he stopped them as the things was getting nonsense.

Special one?

Pftt, what did they mean by that?

"Sehun, just call me Sehun," he stated and curled up a polite smile to them.

He would not be mad at the first day of meeting them right. But he would keep eyes on them.

"I'm new here as you can see and honestly not that special as well," Sehun crossed his arms on his chest while looking at them.

They let out a chuckle to hide the embarrassment. "We have heard of you and welcome," they bowed down.

Sehun rubbed his nape in awkwardness. He was not used to this kind of treatment so it was kinda awkward.

"The food is ready, Sir, shall we prepare the table now?," the maid questioned at him.

"Uh—," honestly, Sehun didn't have any idea he needed to do at this house to be the personal assistant like he said.

"Sure, you can," he uttered in doubt after a while.

The maid nodded and excused themselves to get ready. But before that, Sehun stopped one of them.

"I'm sorry to disturb you," Sehun rubbed the back of his neck. "May I ask about the assistant before me?," he questioned.

"Oh, you mean Chanyeol?," she questioned and Sehun could just nod to be hearing the unfamiliar name.

"Yeah, did he stop working or he was fired?," Sehun asked out of curious, he really wanted to know.

She only replied with a smile. "No, he's not," she said. "He's just on leave for a while."

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