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Author's POV

"Hyung, I will miss you," Sehun said as he was walking beside Kyungsoo, while pouting.

Sehun carried the heavy bag to the car parked right in front of the house. "Here you go," he put it in the boot.

Luhan nodded. "Thank you, Sehunnie," he said and continued packing all the things into the car.

The younger turned at Kyungsoo and clinged inside his arms. "Promise me you will call me when you arrived."

Kyungsoo was chuckling lightly. "Of course," he replied and assaulted Sehun with his arms.

Luhan was watching their interactions with a fond smile on his face.

"Sehun, why don't you just come with us?," he asked and sighed out deeply. It was hard for him to go without Sehun.

Sehun huffed slowly. "I really want to, but my work," he said. "I will be fine here, don't worry," he curled up a smile to comfort Luhan.

Luhan needed to be away for few months because of his works. He really didn't want to but there was no choice.

Especially when he needed to leave Sehun. It was really a hard thing for him and also Kyungsoo.

"Sehunnie," Kyungsoo called out. "Remember to call me everyday at least once," he reminded Sehun for the recent times.

Sehun giggled while nodding his head. "Of course, don't worry Hyung," he replied.

"Take care of yourself and tell us if anything happens, we will try to be back as soon as possible," Kyungsoo could not stop telling Sehun everything about those.

Sehun nodded and hugged Kyungsoo to stop him from saying anything more. "I will, Hyung," he replied.

"Xiumin," Kyungsoo turned to look at the guy who was standing behind them since just now. 

Xiumin approached them.

"Please take a good care of Sehun," he uttered while staring at Sehun with worried expression.

Xiumin nodded as a response. "You don't have to worry, Kyungsoo," he said.

Luhan finally gave up and pulled Sehun into his arms. It was not easy to leave his little brother alone even though just for few months.

Sehun pulled a fond smile. "Hyung, I will be fine," he reassured him that it would be fine.

"Don't stress yourself too much," he reminded again.

Luhan nodded. "Don't create any troubles, if I found out you will be going with us," he warned and was replied with a pouting Sehun.

The car was set off and drove out from the house compound.

Sehun sent it with his stares until it was gone from his sight.

"Sehun, I need to go now," Xiumin suddenly uttered after the long silence.

"Chen keep calling me since just now," he stated that while rolling his eyes in annoyance. Sehun was doing the same.

He nodded. "Okay, I will see you soon," he said those to the elder and waited for him to leave.

As he left, the latter slowly turned his back to the house and entered it after closing the door behind.

He plopped down on the sofa and started turning on the television in front of him.

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