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Sehun's POV

I suddenly woke up from my sleep and slowly opened up my heavy eyes. It felt like I was sleeping for so long already.

A heavy grunting came out from my lips as I moved to stretch out my body after the sleep.

My head turned to look at the clock hanging at the wall and turned out it was already near night times.

That meant I was sleeping for the whole day already. Looked like I was really tired after all.

"What should I eat?," that was the only thing that came into my mind as soon as I woke up.

My tummy felt really hungry and it was started to grumble since the moment I woke up.

I was stepping into the kitchen and looked around to find anything that I could eat.

"I should just go out," that was the only way I could do for now as I was really lazy to even cook anything.

This was just few hours after Kyungsoo Hyung and Luhan Hyung left but I was already feeling super bored.

What would I do for the next few months?

I grabbed my black hoodie before wearing it and snatched my car's key from the table.

My phone suddenly rang as I just swinged and closed the front door before locking it.

"Hello?," without any words, I picked up the call and didn't even glance at the caller's name.

A sound greeting me from the other side. "Sehun Hyung, are you busy?," the familiar voice questioned.

"Not really," I was stepping into the car at the moment and began starting the car's engine. "Why, Jaehyun?," the question being uttered.

Jaehyun was one of my colleague at the workplace. We were quite close and few times hang out together.

"Wanna meet at the usual place?," Jaehyun questioned out of sudden. "Don't worry, my treat this time," he uttered those before I could say anything.

"Sure," I answered after thinking for a while. Well, I didn't have any plans either.

Besides the guy wanted to treat this time so I wouldn't reject it right?

"I will meet you later," I uttered before ending the phone call afterwards.

We usually would hang out like three of us together but looked like Chen would be busy for a while.

I drove the car out from the house compound and speeding up along the road.

Luckily the road was not really busy this time so I didn't need to take times to arrive.

As the car was already parked at the supposed place, I went out of the car and straight away walked.

"Hyung!," the loud voice startled me and stopped my steps from entering the place.

I lifted my hand to wave at the figure who was approaching me.

Jaehyun finally stopped right in front of me. "Sorry if I'm late," he uttered while catching on his heavy breath.

My lips chuckled lightly. "It's fine, I also just got here,"  we both entered the place.

Both of us took a seat at one of the table and began uttering our orders at the waiter.

"So why suddenly you call me and ask me out?," I questioned after we have finished ordering the foods and the waiter left.

Jaehyun only replied with his grinning smile which looked really suspicious for me.

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