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Author's POV

A sigh escaped his plump lips for the recent times today. His features were only filled with frowns these past few days.

"What's going on with Master?," Tao asked as he took a seat at his place beside Lay. He looked carefully around to make sure he was not around.

Lay glanced at the boss' room and saw him being moody. "How am I supposed to know?," he retorted.

"He has not been good these past few days," he continued while huffing heavily. "Did something happened?," he questioned.

Tao responded with a shrug. "I don't know," he said. "But must be something with Taehyun," he uttered as he remembered about the incident few days before.

Lay lifted up his head to look at Tao. "Right, it must have something to do with him," he muttered and his eyes suddenly landed on the empty place.

"By the way, where is Sehun?," he questioned and glanced at his wrist watch to look at the time.

"He didn't come to the office these past few days," Tao responded to it and did notice something was wrong as well.

Lay nodded. "What's wrong with him?," he mouthed those question but no one could answer it at the moment.

"You can ask his boyfriend then," Tao retorted and pointed at the figure in the room across them which was scanning the papers with deep frowning.

"I will be willingly to do it if I want my death to come earlier," Lay replied before letting out an awkward chuckles.

As they were still talking, the door clicking suddenly sounded which made the whole office became silent.

The figure walked out of his room with papers inside of his hand. Eyeing the whole place with his stern and cold gaze.

"What do you think is this?," Kai sounded after a while and raised the papers in his hand. Still looking at the staffs one by one.

A low grunting came out from his mouth. "How can you be doing these kind of mistakes over and over again?!," he exclaimed with anger inside his voice.

No one was brave enough to let out any kind of sounds or voices at the moment.

"If I ever see any of you doing the same thing ever again, I will make sure to kick you out of my office," he hissed while pointing at the staffs.

They gulped in nervousness to be hearing that. It was really really scary to be in this situation right now.

"I want this to be fixed," he uttered and threw the papers on the floor. "In an hour, I want it on my table!," he exclaimed for the last time, firmly, before turning his back around.

The whole of the office let out a deep breath after Kai left. People quickly stood up from their seats and did what the boss wanted.

Before anything worse would ever happen if they didn't.

"Now I'm really sure something has pissed him off," Tao stated as both of them were scuttling to get what they needed.

Lay nodded. "That is Chanyeol, he must know about it," both of them decided to approach the tall guy to be asking him.

Chanyeol was sighing heavily for the recent times. "Before you want to ask me, I will say I don't know what is wrong with him," he uttered before any questions could be uttered.
Tao huffed heavily. "He is mad even at small things," he said. That mistake he mentioned just now was actually not a big problem.

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