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Sehun's POV

The place that was surrounded by green grass and trees were really calming.

It was peaceful as the wind blew along the field calmly, brushing against my face.

My eyes could not let off from admiring the beauty of the nature that I was surrounded with.

I took my camera and started capturing some nice views I can caught.

"This is pretty good," the pictures was captured and came out nicely more than I expected.

At least, I didnt need to catch more pictures.

I stood up from my seat and brushed the dirts from my pants before grabbing my things.

My legs brought me to the place where I parked my car.

I glanced at my wrist watch as soon as I entered the car. "Better go now," it was already near 5 pm and I needed to meet someone now.

As I was driving, a sudden thought hit me. This was my usual and normal life.

I worked as a photographer in a small conpany. Like you would think, my job was related to cameras.

It was tiring and stressing sometimes but that was my job. I did enjoy it and I did enjoy doing my favourite things.

Maybe for some people, it was not a big and fancy job but it has it's own speciality.

My thoughts ended as soon as I parked my car near a coffee shop where I promised someone to meet.

"Where is he?," I muttered as soon as stepping into the cafe while looking around to find someone.

"Sehun!," a smile curved as I saw him waving at me. I walked approaching him and plopped down.

I placed the camera on the table and looked up at him. "So Chen Hyung, why do you wanna meet me?," I asked.

Chen took a sip of his drink and focused to look at me.

He was my one of my close friend and also my co-worker. I could say we have been going through a lot while working together.

"Nothing, I just want to meet you," he stated and flashed his grinning smile at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows as was looking at him. "You're really weird," I stated, jokingly.

He chuckled. "Oh, about the project," he sounded. "Have you done with it?," I looked up at him as he asked that.

"Not yet, still working on it," my lips released a heavy sigh.

Chen looked up at me with his annoying proud smile.

I understood that smile really much which made me rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I know your boyfriend is the boss after all."

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