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Author's POV

Kai entered his house after the long hours he spent at the office. His face showed how tired he was.

He was looking around and the house seemed silent. "Where is he?," he muttered to himself while trying to find Sehun anywhere.

His bag was placed on the sofa eventually and his fingers moved to loosen the necktie around the neck.

"Have you seen Sehun?," Kai questioned as a maid was passing by him to the kitchen.

She was wondering for a while before replying. "He hasn't come out from the room ever since he was back just now," the reply made Kai frowned.

"Did he tell you anything?," he began to think about the thing that could possibly made him mad?

The maid shook her head. "No, he went straightly to the room when he reached home," she uttered.

Kai's furrow became deeper as he was thinking. He nodded and thanked the maid before continued walking to the room.

As he was standing at the front of the door, he was still thinking if he had done anything to make the lover got mad or something.

But his mind could not process anything at the moment. He could not remember doing anything though.

"Sehun?," he turned the door knob and swinged open the door. As he walked in, Sehun was sitting at the corner of the bed.

He was really drowned in his own thoughts while focusing on his cell phone.

Kai arched his eyebrows in confusion but his lips formed a smile to be seeing the annoyed expression on the latter's.

He slowly plopped down right beside him and leaned closer but Sehun still didn't realise his existence there.

"Excuse me?," his lips was positioned right beside the younger's ear and whispered those words to him.

Sehun jumped in his seat, surprised to be hearing it. His eyes widened in shock to be seeing the lover right beside him.


He turned over his body towards the latter. "When did you come home?," he questioned.

Kai laid his back on the bed. "Just now but you were too busy with your phone," he uttered and pretended to sulk.

Sehun grinned and curled a guilty smile. He let out a chuckle as he saw the sulky guy beside him.

"I'm sorry," he whined while laying himself down beside Kai, wrapping his arms around the latter.

They snuggled closer to each other and fell into silence for a few minutes. Neither of them started any talk at the moment.

"They said you haven't come out from the room since you're back," Kai finally broke the silence because of his curiosity.

He lowered his head to look at the younger. "What were you doing hm?," he questioned.

Sehun bit his bottom lips as he heard that. It was true but he was really not in the mood to meet anyone after the sudden meet with Daniel.


Kai frowned to be seeing his reaction. "Sehun, are you hiding something from me?," he blurted out.

Sehun quickly sat up. "No!," he retorted and rubbed the back of his neck in awkwardness.

"I mean I don't hide anything from you," he uttered softer than before after realising. "Don't worry," he grinned.

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