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Author's POV

"I will accept the offer and work there," Sehun announced as he was in Xiumin's room, sitting in front of him.

He already thought about this all the night and even called Kyungsoo to ask him about it.

Luhan also agreed with it so he finally made a decision to accept the offer.

Besides, it was not really long. Just for like few months and the contract ended.

"Really, Sehun?," Xiumin beamed while he was asking that. He was actually not expecting much about this.

But he was glad to hear it after all.

"Yes, I've been thinking about that and I should try at least," Sehun replied and curved a smile at the elder.

"Good! I'm glad to hear that," Xiumin responded and he suddenly snatched out his cell phone.

Sehun arched his eyebrows in confusion as he was seeing that. "Who do you want to call, Hyung?," he questioned.

"I want to tell them about you," he replied and began dialling the number in his phone.

"Why do you need to rush?," the younger questioned.

Xiumin just replied with a shrug. "They told me to inform right away after you make the decision," he replied.

Sehun was sighing and waited for the elder to end the phone call. He was in his thought whether this was the right decision.

He was just hoping that he would not make any wrong decision.

"Okay, I'll tell him right away," Sehun lifted his head as he heard that and looked at Xiumin.

"Thank you, Sir," Xiumin stated before he ended the phone call and turned his attention to Sehun.

He curled up a smile. "They said you can start tomorrow," those words made Sehun almost fell off the chair.

"Tomorrow?," Sehun widened his eyes in shock. It was too early than he expected. "That early?."

Xiumin nodded. "Yes, they said it's better to be as soon as possible," he uttered.

"They need to make sure everything will go well and without any lacking," Sehun was sighing deeply this time. He was kind of regretted it now.

But it was too late to feel that.

"Fine then, where is the address?," he questioned.

"They will pick you up here early in the morning to show the office—and no protests they just told me that," Xiumin was chuckling as he saw the look on Sehun's face.

"Now go and get ready, you can go home early today," Sehun forcefully stood up from the seat. He pouted while walking out of the office.

He stomped his feet along the way to his own place and finally sat down.

"What should I do now?," he muttered while burying his face between his arms.

There was nothing he could do other than facing it. He just made the decision so no use of regretting it now.

Sehun took a deep breath before finally exhaling it slowly. He began preparing himself for it.

He hoped everything would go well like he expected.


"He accepted the offer, Master," Lay announced as he was already in the room with Kai waiting for his explanation.

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