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Author's POV

"Sehunnie will be here to pick Jungwoo right?," the little boy questioned as soon as they arrived at the kindergarten.

Sehun curved a fond smile and his hand moved to ruffle the boy's hair. He was going to reply before a voice cut off.

"No, Mommy will pick you up later," Kai uttered those while folding his arms and leaning against his car.

Jungwoo pouted. "Jungwoo was asking Sehunnie, not samcheon," he replied.

Kai snorted in annoyance to hear the reply from that little boy. Did he ever tell how annoying that boy could be?

He could be sweet and adorable at a time but it was not once or twice Kai would be quarrelling with him.

They sometimes looked more like siblings than an uncle with a nephew.

"Yeah I get it, now get in now," Kai responded and began to chase the boy away.

Jungwoo snorted. "Sehunnie, be careful with that ugly samcheon," he whispered to Sehun as if Kai was not there with them.

Kai looked at him with a disbelief look. "Ugly? I'm nothing near ugly, kid," he glared at him.

Jungwoo sent a glare back to him. "Do you think I'm afraid of you?," he said those.

The elder scoffed. This boy really have the mafia blood inside his body.

"Jungwoo will go now, good bye," he turned around after smiling to Sehun and ran away before his uncle could say anything.

Sehun could only hold back his laughter while seeing the quarrelling between those two.

He waved at the little boy and turned his body around.

"Get in," Kai demanded and soon he entered the car, leaving Sehun who was still in shock.

Sehun took a deep breath to calm himself down before getting in the car as well.

The whole journey in the car was filled with deep silence. None of them have any urge to start a conversation between them.

Sehun was still in his own thought. He was thinking of what kind of punishment would he receive later.

As he was deep in his own thinking, the car was stopped right in front of the building.

His heart was thumping like crazy at the moment he walked out of the car. He waited for Kai to walk and began following him from behind.

The men was already standing along the way to the door while bowing down to him.


Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He was actually confused to see all these.

Why would they call him Master? Why did they really scared of Kai?

Those questions were running inside his minds. He knew that Kai was a businessman, that was all right?

But why was he not mad when Sehun didn't call him Master like others? Sehun realised he was the only one who didn't call him that.

"Get in my room," Kai's firm voice startled him from his thoughts and soon entered his own office.

Sehun felt like crying at that moment. How could he be fired on the first day of work?

He inhaled deeply before stepping his legs towards the door and knocked it before entering the room.

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