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Author's POV

Kai went straightly into the house as he arrived. His jaw hardened in anger as he remembered about Sehun's worda before.

He was scared. Totally scared right now to be facing this.

"Kai," as he entered the house, Chanyeol was standing in the living room with his worried face.

The latter approached him slowly. "I know what are you thinking right now," he started to utter.

"Sehun doesn't mean it when he said those," Chanyeol stated as he lifted his face to look at the younger. "You know that right?," he asked.

Kai didn't respond to his words but walked towards the sofa and plopped down. He ruffled his own hair in frustration.

"I don't know," he muttered after a while of silence. He was seriously clueless about it.

Losing Sehun right now was his greatest fear of all. He didn't want it to ever happen.

"Don't force him, you know about his parents," Chanyeol reminded him. "It is hard for him and I really hope you can be patient," he said.

Kai released a heavy sigh and lifted his face to meet the elder's gaze. "Chanyeol Hyung," he announced firmly.

Chanyeol knew how serious this could be if Kai started calling him Hyung. He would really be doing what he ever said.

"I will never let him go," he stated clearly. "No one can have him but me, only me," he announced once again, firmly.

He stood up from the sofa and headed away before Chanyeol could respond anything to him. He was just really tired right now...

Chanyeol huffed heavily before turning his own back to the entrance. He couldn't do anything for now but hoping that Kai would not do anything.

Kai. He would do anything.

Sehun was inside the room, no words were uttered from his lips since just now and his stares were empty.

"Sehun," he still didn't want to open his lips even when the door was revealed opened and someone entered his room.

His eyes glanced at the side to see the figure but he chose to keep silent from doing anything.

Kai shut his eyes tight to swallow in his bitter feelings and got into the room, closing the door behind him and approached Sehun.

"They told me you didn't eat anything, why hm?," he questioned and reached out his hand to touch the younger's features but he leaned backwards.

No answers came out from him but just silence.

Kai reluclantly pulled away his hand and still trying to curl up a smile to him. "Do you want anything? I can get it for you?," he tried asking again.

But Sehun only replied with a huffing while shaking his head. Still refusing to utter any words.

"I get it," Kai muttered under his breath. "You must be tired so sleep well," he uttered with a force smile and reluclantly stood up from the bed.
He moved his hand to ruffle Sehun's hand gently. "I wish I can hug you but it's fine," he mumbled to himself but Sehun could hear it.

"Sleep well," he stated. "I love you, Sehun," he announces before walking out of the room and closed the door slowly.

Sehun's eyes were still wide opened even after few minutes passed since Kai left his room. He was still thinking of lots of things.

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