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Author's POV

A luxury and expensive car was drove into the large and huge mansion's compound.

The car was parked at the front of the house before a guy was stepping out from the car.

"Master," as soon as he stepped out, few men were already standing outside of the car.

He slightly nodded and handed the car's key to one of them. "Park the car in the garage," he ordered and walked towards the front door.

"Welcome home, Master," the door was opened and the maids were bowing down along the way.

Kai walked passing by them and walked up the stairs to his room.

He took off his coat and hanged it before laying his tired body on the bed. His eyes were just staring at the blank ceiling for the past few minutes.

The guy sat up after a while and loosened the neck tie that was wrapping his neck this whole day.

He glanced at the clock beside of his bed before standing up from the bed and walked to his wardrobe.

Kai slowly was started unbottoning his white work shirt, button by button and took it off of his body.

Revealing his tough and sculpture body. A smirk was curved on his face as he was admiring his own body and his sexiness.

But unfortunately no one could own them. They would rather stay away from him than taking risk.

Kim Jongin.

A name that was known by almost all the people around this world. Everyone know how dangerous and fearless he was.

He could finish any enemies he wanted if any of them was dare to disturb his way.

Staying from Kim Jongin was the way to stay safe.

That was what they thought everytime. But still of course there would be some who was stubborn.

If you got in his way and there was just one way you will be in the end and everyone knew it.


You will be dead no matter what and no enemies ever got away from Kim Jongin.

Lots of them even offered him everything to get near him or a way to distract him. But no one succeed.

Money, weapons, men, shares or even women.

None of the things attracted him. Besides, no one ever heard of him having any relationship with anyone.

Kai was also always wondering about himself. But he seriously didn't have any idea about himself.

He just-could not trust other persons easily.

Being in this world until now taught him lots of things. He already faced everything, betrayals, killing, and lies.

He learnt that no one could be trusted in this world. Anyone could betray you, anyone could lie to you.

These things made him more heartless and untouchable.

A heavy sigh came out from his plump lips as he was changing to a bathrobe.

As he was going to step into the bathroom, the knocking that was resounding stopped him.

He walked to the door before opening it and saw Chanyeol was standing there with his suit as usual.

"Master, I'm so sorry for disturbing your free times," he uttered politely before bowing down.

Kai nodded. "What is it?," he questioned while looking at him.

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