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Author's POV

Kai was still smiling all alone in his office after the interview. He never felt like this before.

He was glad to meet Sehun and getting interviewed by him. It's been a while since he got to smile this wide.

After looking at Sehun, he felt like there was no problem in him.

The knocking startled him from his works. He cleared his throat and fixed his sitting position before yelling a come in.

"Come in," he demanded and looked up at the door when it was swinged opened.

Baekhyun was entering his room in fully work suit with Chanyeol following behind him.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows.

Baekhyun took a seat in front of the younger. "So Kris Hyung told me he had set an interview for you?," he carefully asked.

He already told the eldest to not do that if Kai didn't like it. He would get really angry if the interview didn't go well.

Kai nodded and without realising, he curved a slight smile. "Yeah," he answered.

"What's wrong with him?," Baekhyun questioned and turned to look at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol shrugged."I don't know, he was already like this after the interview," he said.

"So how is it?," Baekhyun questioned again, he was wondering what's wrong with his brother actually?

Kai lifted up his head to look up at him. "It's good," he uttered as he suddenly remembered about Sehun.

Baekhyun was actually suprised to hear that from his younger brother.

Something was kind of fishy this time.

"Wah, are you okay?," he questioned while placing his hand on Kai's forehead, pretending to check on him.

Kai snorted. "Hyung, why?," he pushed the elder's hand away from him.

Baekhyun sat down while crossing his arms and looked at Kai.

"Okay then, I'm actually hear to tell you something," he finally uttered after their long silence.

Kai stopped with all the things he was doing and turned his attention to the elder brother.

"We are going for a vacation and will take few days," Baekhyun began to explain.

Chanyeol chose to sealed his lips and waited for the two to settle.

Kai nodded and turned to look at Chanyeol. "Really, Chanyeol?," he asked.

While Chanyeol responded with a nodding. "Yes, Master," he answered and flashed a smile at Baekhyun.

"Sure, just make sure you find anyone to replace you for a while," Kai stated and turned back to Baekhyun.

Kai let him as Chanyeol was known to be really hardworking and loyal to him.

He was always there when Kai needed him, that was one of the reason why he gave them some times.

Also, they didn't have times to spend together or even went on a honeymoon.

That was why Kai felt a slight guilty to both of them.

Baekhyun jumped from his seat towards the younger and assaulted him with a hug.

"Thank you," he hugged him tightly even though Kai was pushing him away.

Kai snorted as he felt embarassed. "Hyung, what's wrong with you?," he tried to push the latter away.

Baekhyun chuckled before pecking a light kiss on the younger's cheeks, he quickly sprinted out from the room before Kai would explode.

"BAEKHYUN!," he heard the shouting from the room but just laughed out after hearing it.

Meanwhile Kai, in the room, was taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

Chanyeol could just shake his head to see the interactions between those two.

"Chanyeol," he was startled as his name suddenly being called.

He approached the boss closer. "Yes, Master?," he questioned and turned his attention to Kai.

"Oh Sehun," he mentioned that name all of sudden which made Chanyeol frowned. "Find out everything about him," he demanded.

Chanyeol was actually confused but he chose to remain silent and followed the order.

"I will give you in 10 minutes," he stated and bowed down slightly before walking out of the room.

Kai was left alone inside of his room, he continued to sign the documents on the table.

He was not really sure why he asked Chanyeol to do that. He just wanted to know about Sehun maybe?

But why?

He never felt interested with any women or girls or guys out there but Sehun completely changed it.

It was surprising even for himself. Kai kept trying to push away any person who tried to get near him but he was the one who wanted to know Sehun now.

After few minutes, the door was knocked and Chanyeol came in with new paper sheets inside his arms.

"Have you gotten it?," Kai questioned to the elder and put away the file.

He turned to Chanyeol and asked him to read it out.

Chanyeol nodded and began reading the informations he got just now to the boss.

"Oh Sehun, works as a photographer in a company," he started reading out while Kai hearing him.

He furrowed his eyebrows. Photographer? So why was he interviewing him?

He hinted Chanyeol to continue. "He lives with his married cousin for now," Chanyeol continued.

Kai nodded. "His family?," he questioned again to the elder.

Chanyeol read the sheets again. "His parents passed away few years ago when he was 5 like that, leaving him to live with his cousin," he explained to Kai.

"According to this informations, his parents were killed," he continued and lifted his face to look up at Kai.

Kai arched his eyebrows in confusion. He felt like he suddenly remembered about something.

"Killed?," he couldn't remember but there was something. "That's enough, you can go," he said.

Chanyeol nodded and was about to walk out of the room when Kai suddenly called him again.

He turned his body around. "Yes, Master?," he questioned.

"You can just go back, Baekhyun Hyung must be waiting for you," Kai suddenly stated and flashed a reassuring nodding at him.

Chanyeol was still standing still for a second before he understood. He nodded as a reply and bowed down.

"Tell me if you need anything," he uttered and walked away of the room afterwards.

Kai was still deep in his thoughts as he was thinking about something. Something happened and he knew it.


Hii! For those who are reading this again, I have wrote a new one for this chapter because the before one was gone suddenly :(

Hope you like it! Love youu 💗

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