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Author's POV

Sehun was sitting at the table while writing something on his laptop when he noticed a figure standing by his table all of sudden without he realised.

He stood up in shock. "T-Taehyun-ssi," he stuttered and his eyes started to wander around, finding someone or anyone he could ask.

"It's nice to meet you again." the guy said and held out his hand to Sehun. The latter didn't have any choice but to shake hands with him.

Sehun nodded without saying anything. He really didn't want to stay longer with this guy.

Taehyun's lips curled up as he was looking at the shocked Sehun. "Sehun-ssi, it has been a while and you still remember me," he said.

Sehun silently let out a low grunting as he just heard those. It's not that a while though and who would forget about it.

He forced himself to curve a polite smile so that he wouldn't be called rude. "Of course, I you work with Mr Kim so I would not forget," he replied.

Taehyun started to eye him from the top to bottom and it really made him feel uncomfortable. "I feel honoured for a pretty guy like you to remember me, Sehun-ssi," he stated and reached out his hand to caress Sehun's face.

However Sehun slapped his hand away lightly. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and looked up at him. "I'm sorry but this is an office so please," he stated.

He thought that the guy would understand and back off at that moment but he just let out a chuckle, which sounded really annoying.

Totally different from Kai's which could make his heart beats started beating wildly. Sehun snapped the thought as he realised he was thinking of Kai again.

"So, do you mean that I can do it when we are not in the office then?," Sehun was completely annoyed and he hoped if anyone could kill this damn perverted guy now.

He huffed sharply. "I will be calling Mr Kim, so please wait for a while and have a seat," he stated and started walking away from there.

But Taehyun grabbed his arms and stopped him from stepping any further. "It's fine, let us be alone for a longer time," he said.

"Besides I don't really want to meet that guy," Sehun snorted as a reply and pushed the guy's hand away.

He was really pissed off right now. "Please don't test my patience and I hope you can leave if you don't have any important things to do," he finally stated as he felt he was about to explode.

Taehyun grinned. "You look prettier when you are angry like this," he said and once again reached out his hand to touch Sehun's face.

His hand was grabbed before it could touch Sehun and both of them automatically turned around to see Kai was already there. 

"Please be professional and don't mess around in my office," it was said in a low tone and the stares he gave was really intimidating.

As well as his grip was getting stronger and tighter which was enough to make Taehyun screamed in pain.

Taehyun rubbed his own hand as it finally was released. "We will be in the meeting room, after you," Kai suddenly stated and obviously showed that he was holding back his anger.

No one was dare enough to protest any single words from him and those guys entered the meeting room.

Sehun was still standing there with his widened eyes. He wanted to join in the meeting but Chanyeol told him to be staying here and waited for them outside.

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