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Author's POV

Sehun was shocked to hear that from Kai. He never expected that kind of words would escape from his lips.

"Kai," he muttered as he was totally at a loss for words. "What did you say?," he tried to question again to make sure it was not the thing he heard.

Kai took a deep breath himself and broke their eye contacts. "You can go, I won't stop you," he uttered again.

He had make the decision and he decided on it. He would be letting Sehun go for his own good if keeping him stay would just make him hurt.

He didn't want that to happen.

"Are you serious about this?," Sehun questioned as his hand were clenched into fists, swallowing in his feelings.

"Yeah," Kai announced with a blank stare at Sehun. "I will not hold you back anymore," he said without any expression showed on his face.

Sehun bit his bottom lips. He felt angry and upset at the same time but he didn't know how to express it.

"B–But you said you will never let me go," he murmured those words but Kai could still hear those.

The elder sighed. "Forget about it," he smoothly said those and turned his back around. He was about to walk away before Sehun's voice stopped him.

"Do you think I can forget about it easily?," Sehun stated those while clinching his teeth in anger. He truckled down without making any contacts with him.

"Sehun," Kai called out his name without even turning his back. "I don't want you to get hurt at all," he said with a lower tone.

He could not turn his back to face Sehun or he can't let him go.

"This is the best way I can think of," Kai stated again. "It's the best for both of us right?," he said that.

Sehun snorted in annoyance. "How can you decide that alone without considering it?," he retorted as he could feel the anger.

Kai exhaled a deep sigh and finally turned his body around to look at Sehun. "Sehun, you know me right?," he asked.

"I'm a mafia, the leader," he emphasised those words and pointed at himself. "My world is really dangerous and it's different from yours," he tried to explain.

"Besides," he stopped in a mid way before continuing the sentence. "You hate me now," he muttered and was followed with a light chuckles.

His eyes were getting teary but he tried hard to not show it. "T–There's no reason for me to make you stay anymore," he said and their eyes met at the moment.

Sehun was looking at him with an unreadable stares. "I never said that I hate you, Kai," he uttered while staring at him.

"You're saying that out of pity," Kai curled up a force smile. "It's fine Sehun, you don't have to," he said.

"I don't want to keep you with me anymore and you can do whatever you want," he stated and turned his back again to really walk away from that place.

He sighed. "Forget about what I said to you, it's not important anymore," he said.

His steps was stopped once again as someone grabbed his coat from behind and he knew who was it.

"How can you say that so easily?!," Sehun exclaimed in anger while tears were already gathering under his eyes.

His hand clenched into fists as his grip on Kai's cloth tightened. "I will never forget about it! I can't!," he truckled down his head.

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