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Author's POV

"Oh Sehun–ssi?," Sehun startled from his own thoughts and saw someone was standing in front of him.

He awkwardly bowed down to greet the person. "Yes, I'm Sehun," he replied and flashed a polite smile.

"I'm Lay," the person held up his hand to Sehun. "Good to know that you accepted this offer."

Sehun smiled. "It is my pleasure," he replied and nodded slowly.

Lay was kind and warm. That was what Sehun thought about him and his first impression.

"Mr Kim is already waiting for you," he stated and pulled out his arms, hinting Sehun to follow him.

Sehun felt nervous after hearing that. He was hoping it would be fine after this.

He began walking while following Lay's foot steps.

"Don't worry, it will be fine," Lay suddenly talked and flashed a comforting smile to the latter.

Sehun inhaled deeply. "It's my first time, that's why," he responded and tried calming himself.

He was not really expecting too much. There were like lots of Mr Kim other than him right?

Both of them suddenly stopped at the front of a door. Sehun was still busy calming himself when Lay was knocking the door.

"Come in," Sehun flinched as he caught the voice from the inside of the room.

Lay nodded and hinted him to get into the room. He even mouthed a good luck which was kind of helping for Sehun.

The latter exhaled sharply and stepped into the room after bravened himself.

"Mr Kim," Sehun greeted politely after the door was being closed. He bowed down.

"Sehun, that is you right?," he was surprised by the sudden question but quickly covered it up.

He nodded. "Yes, that is me," he replied and waited nervously.

His heart felt like stopping at the moment the chair suddenlte was turned around.

He felt shocked. Suprised. Glad. Scared.

There were lots of emotions coming in him at that moment. He didn't know how to react.

"Y-You," he muttered while his eyes were staring at Kai.

Meanwhile Kai, he was looking at the latter with a slight smirk. "Have a seat, Sehun–ssi," he stated.

Sehun plopped down on the seat right in front of him. His head was lowered as he had no gut to make any rye contacts with Kai.

Kai silently curved a smile as he was seeing that. Adorable. That was what he thought of before getting rid of those thinkings.

He cleared his throat before started talking. "I'm glad to know that you accept my offer to work here," he began the talks.

Sehun slowly lifted up his head and was looking at those captivating eyes. "Yeah, thank you for this opportunity," he said.

"So you know what to do?," Kai began asking while he could not let his eyes off from Sehun.

Sehun frowned. "To be your assistant?," he questioned in confusion.

Kai nodded. "That's true but you are going to be my personal assistant to be exact," he said those while emphasising the word personal.

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