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Author's POV


Daniel slammed his hands onto the table near him. He was frustrated and pissed after the phone call.

How could Sehun possibly call him a coward? He was not!

"Damn it!," he hissed in anger. "How brave of him to be calling me like that," he sighed harshly.

As he was busy grunting to himself, one of his man entered the room with an unreadable expression.

"Boss," he called out.

He was looking around to find a better to tell his boss about this. Or else he would be the one getting the wrath.

"That kid," he seemed hesitated to even tell him. "H-He didn't seem to be scared at all," he finally said out which picked his attention.

Daniel frowned his eyebrows in confusion before making his way to the other room located beside his.

What did he mean?

He turned his attention towards the little boy on the chair, right in front of him. It was more frustrating to be seeing how unbothered the boy was.

Usually they would be screaming or asking for helps but this boy was totally different.

"So when are they coming for me?," he calmly questioned while staring back at his kidnapper.

Daniel huffed. "You are not scared huh?," he asked which he could already know the answer.

Jungwoo shook his head. "No, I know they will come to save me," he answered and he swore he saw the smirk from that little boy.

Was he really a boy?

Daniel was dumbfounded with that but he managed to put on a calm face. He crouched down to the same level as the kid.

"Aren't you afraid that I might do something to you before they arrived?," he was still trying to scare the little boy but it seemed harder than he expected.

Jungwoo was still unbothered. "If you did anything to me, daddy will surely deal with you," he replied to him.

"And samcheon will not be happy about it too," he continued. Shooting his usual wide smile.

Jungwoo was a smart kid. He already knew the things happening inside his family.

He was scared. Too scared. But he always remembered what his mommy always told him, 'no matter what happens, we will always love each other.'

He knew how his family loved him and he knew they would come to save him. His dad always taught him to be tough and not to be scared because he has his parents with him always.

"I don't know what you want but I couldn't give you what you want," he uttered. Despite his young age he could already figure out what was going on around him.

Daniel clinched his fist. He harshly cupped the kid's face with his right hand, forcing him to look up into his eyes

"Do you think I'm afraid of your family? Tsk!," he pulled out his hand and let him go with such force until he fell down of his chair.

Jungwoo yelled in pain as one of his legs hit the corner of the chair. He was still trying to hold back his own tears and glared at the elder.

"I'm not afraid of you!," he exclaimed with all his courage. He was actually shaking, hoping Kai would come sooner.

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