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Author's POV

"Can you stop wandering and sit down calmly?"

Kris rolled his eyes as he saw his younger brother walking back and forth. He was starting to get dizzy as well just by seeing him.

Kai sighed deeply as he slumped down into the sofa beside the elder. "I'm nervous, Hyung," he said.

"Besides, it has been a week since I met Sehun," his lips formed a pout. "I missed him like crazy!," he loudly exclaimed. 

Kris shook his head to see the younger. He understood how he was feeling at the moment and he faced that time once which completely made him crazy.

"You got to see him tomorrow, be a little more patient," the elder stated.

Kai sighed for the recent times. During this week, he had been busy preparing for the wedding and Sehun chose to stay with Luhan while preparing for his side.

Wedding Day. 

Yes, he never expected it would finally be the day. Less than twenty-four hours he could call Sehun as his husband. 

The thought itself could make his lips curled up wide. 

But he was scared, nervous, happy. What if he messed up things before? What if everything did not go as his plan? Lots of what ifs crossed his mind.

"Hey," he felt a pat on his back which made he broke his thoughts. He turned to the side to see the fond smile on his eldest's face. 

"You will do great, do not worry too much," Kris sincerely uttered those and gently rubbed his brother's back. "Go up, take a shower and then we will have the dinner," he comforted.

Kai could feel his heart at ease with those words. He nodded and flashed a smile as well before getting up to his own room. He also decided to stay with his family so that they got to spend the times together before his wedding.

Suho furrowed his eyebrows while staring at the younger's back than to his husband.

"What's wrong?," he questioned as he put down a cup of coffee on the table before sitting down beside him.

"Nothing, he is just worried about tomorrow," Kris replied while taking a sip of the drink.

Suho nodded. "Of course, he hasn't seen Sehun since last week," he uttered, chuckling.

"I remember the time before we got married," he continued and looked up at the latter. "You are actually worse than Kai at that time," he laughed.

"No, I'm not."

Suho rolled his eyes. "Yes, you were," he replied.

Well he admitted that. But couldn't blame himself though, how could anyone?

"Where is Jungwoo?," he asked as he didn't see the little boy around.

Suho leaned against the sofa. "With Baekhyun and Chanyeol, he wanted to go with them," he replied while his eyes fixed on the tv.

Kris nodded as he shifted closer to his husband. Curling his fingers with the other's fingers and pulled him closer to him.

"What are you doing?," Suho questioned, trying to push the other away from him. Although he actually liked the way they were this close to each other.

"Nothing, we haven't spend alone times together lately," the elder uttered as he stared on the latter's features.

Those fascinating orbs could still make him fall in love again and again.

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