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Author's POV

Kai walked out of the cafe while grunting in annoyance. He picked up the phone call.

"What?," he exclaimed as he greeted the caller. Seriously why did these phone calls came in when he was in a middle of something.

Something important.

"Master, I'm really sorry to disturb you," the caller apologized as he heard the unfriendly tone from his boss.

Kai snorted. "Yes, you are disturbing so what is it?," he replied without any doubt.

Lay, the caller, who heard that, was suprised as he didn't expect that response from the boss.

He cleared his throat in awkwardness before continuing his words.

"It's better be important for you to call me right now," Kai sounded again and Lay felt more scared right now.

Luckily what he was going to say was really important. If not then he was not sure what would happen to him.

"Like this, the guy, we have caught him," Lay uttered after taking a deep breath to bravened himself.

Kai nodded. "Good, where is he now?," he questioned while starting to approach his car.

"At the warehouse," Lay answered.

Kai stepped into his car and slammed the door closed. "I'll be there in ten minutes," he said.

"Should I send the driver there, Master?," Lay carefully questioned and hoped he didn't say anything wrong.

"No need, I'm driving there," Kai responded and ended the phone call first.

Lay, finally could sighed out of relief after the phone call ended. That was really one of scary moments in his life.

He didn't get it how Chanyeol was always so calm whenever he made a phone call to Kai.

Maybe because he's his brother in law? But before that happened, he was already working for Kai.

He huffed in annoyance to see the person sitting beside him. "Next time it's your turn to call him," he pointed towards the guy.

Kai tucked in the cell phone into his pocket and began his driving, reving up his car's engine.

The corner of his lips curled up to curve a smirk. A satisfied smirk.

"No one can get away after messing with me," he muttered those words under his breath.

His legs speeded the car to the place he was going to.

After exactly ten minutes, the car stopped right in front of a quiet and big house.

Kai stepped out of the car with the leather jackets wrapping his tough body.

The men quickly lined up and bowed down after seeing Kai's arrival before Lay appeared.

"Master," he slightly bowed and began ushering the boss to the door before swinging it open for him.

Inside of the house, it was scarier than outside. Lots of weapons arranged around the room.

"When he was caught?," Kai questioned while his legs was stepping.

Lay was trying to catch up the boss' steps. "He was trying to steal informations from us again, that was when we managed to catch him."

Kai nodded to hear the explanations and continued his steps with some men following behind.

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