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Author's POV

"I promise, Hyung," Sehun snatched his bag from the sofa and headed straight to the front door.

His other hand was holding the cell phone while the other one was turning the door knob.

A smile was curved on his face while listening to the person from the other side. He locked the door and went into his car.

"Don't forget to eat and don't force yourself too much at work," Kyungsoo was reminding the things again. He was just worried of Sehun.

"I got it, Hyung," he uttered and closed the car's door. "I'm fine here so don't worry," he said again.

"I know but still I'm worried," Kyungsoo's voice from there sounded, he would call Sehun at least once a day to ask about him.

Sehun could only chuckle. He knew how protective was his brothers, especially Kyungsoo.

"You can trust me, I will tell you if there's anything," he replied and promised it.

Kyungsoo only sighed. "Okay, take care of yourself and eat your meal properly," he reminded once again.

Sehun nodded, even though he knew Kyungsoo could not see it. "I will, take care of yourself there," he said.

"Where is Luhan Hyung?," he questioned with a frown. He didn't hear the voice from the elder since just now.

Kyungsoo huffed. "He already went to work, he really loves his work more than me now," Sehun could hear the loud snorting from there.

He replied with a light chuckle. "Punish him, you know what to do Hyung!," the words from Sehun gave an idea to Kyungsoo.

"You're right, I know what to do when he's back later," Kyungsoo responded and Sehun laughed out loud.

"I need to go to work now, so talk to you later," he said again while starting the car engine.

Kyungsoo curved a smile from there. "Alright, see you," he ended the phone call afterwards.

Sehun tucked his cell phone in the pocket and started driving out from the house compound.

His lips was mumbling some songs from the radio and his eyes were focusing on the road.

It was not really crowded today and hoped his day would get well for today.

The sky looked bright and cheerful this morning and so was his feelings today.

He didn't know why but maybe it was because he received the phone call from Kyungsoo just now.

"Okay Sehun, let's hope everything will be fine today," he muttered to himself and took a deep breath before exhaling it slowly.

Sehun parked his car as he arrived at the building he worked at. He took his bag and went out of the car.

"Good morning," he greeted every person he met and passed by them before arriving at his table.

He placed his bag on the chair and plopped down on his seat.

"Sehun," he startled and lifted his head as his name was being called out of sudden.

It was one of his co-worker and he smiled at him. "Yes?," he stood up to look at him.

"Xiumin wants to meet you," he stated with a polite smile before leaving Sehun and sat at his own place.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He put his camera aside on the table and walked to the room.

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