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Author's POV

Chanyeol entered the boss' room after knocking and the first thing he saw was not what he expected.

"Master, I need to remind you about the meeting today," he uttered as he stood at the front of the table.

Kai seemed like he was in his own world without realising of the surroundings.


Chanyeol huffed as he still didn't get any response from the latter even after several times calling out his name.

He looked around before slamming down the files he had in his hands on the table which successfully startled him out of his thoughts.

Kai was looking at the elder in surpise. "Oh, what are you doing here?," he straightened up his sitting position.

Chanyeol arched his eyebrows in confusion before he took the seat right in front of him.

"What is wrong?," he straightly questiomed as he knew something was not right.

The younger leaned back his body against the chair before exhaling a heavy breath. He was looking not okay at all.

"Nothing much," he replied. "I just...have some thoughts," he continued while rubbing his face harshly.

Chanyeol secretly rolled his eyes after hearing that. Obviously everyone could see that it was such a lie.

"It doesn't look some to me," he retorted. "Are you thinking about Daniel again?," his question made the  younger looked up at him.

Kai shook his head and fixed his sittinh position. "It's about Sehun," he released a sigh afterwards.

The elder arched his eyebrows in confusion. What was going on with Sehun? Everything was fine this morning.

"What about him?," he asked. "You two look happy as always this morning," he uttered.

"No, it just—

He was silent for a few while, not knowing what else to utter.

"I don't know," he ruffled his hair out of frustration. "He seems like he was hiding something from me," he replied.

Chanyeol frowned even deeper after hearing that. "Why do you think like that?," he questioned.

Kai shrugged. "I don't know but I got the feeling that he is trying to hide something from me," he tried to explain.

He always caught the latter putting on his serious face whenever he was on his phone, probably texting someone but it quickly changed when he approached.

Sehun would pretend like it was nothing and even obviously change into another topic.

"Have you tried asking him about it?," Kai replied with a no to the question.

Chanyeol exhaled. "You should ask him then," he stated before standing up. "Or else you would never know the reason."

Kai totally agreed with the elder but how was he supposed to ask then?

"I know him so well," Chanyeol suddenly said. "He must have his own reasons and what he did are all for your sake," he continued.

The latter could only remain silent, not bring able to answer anything more. He knew that and he trusted Sehun.

"Yeah, you are right," he finally uttered. He must have his reason for all of his doings.

Chanyeol shot a fond smile afterwards. He then stood up from th seat and patted the younger's shoulder.

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