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Author's POV

"J-Jungwoo," Sehun's lips curled up an awkward smile as soon as he saw the little boy entering the room.

Jungwoo flashed a grinning smile to the elder before it turned into a frown as he saw how reddened Sehun's face was.

"Sehunnie, why are your face so red?," he questioned while looking up with his innocent stares.

Sehun was flustered with the sudden question. "Uh, l-let's go out Jungwoo," he stated and held a hand to the little boy.

Jungwoo looked up with a confused look but he only intertwined his little fingers to the elder's.

"Sehun," Kai's firm voice tone made Sehun stopped his steps and slowly turned his back.

He could see the cold stares from the boss and it really sent shivers down his body.

"I'm going to take a shower so prepare the clothes for me," Kai demanded firmly before standing up from his seat.

He snatched the towel and went straightly to the bathroom afterwards leaving Sehun who was still in shock.

Sehun huffed. "Sehunnie is scared of samcheon?," he lowered down his head as he heard the question.

Jungwoo was looking up at him with his innocent stares that could melt anyone just by seeing him.

"N-No, don't worry," he replied while stuttering and obviously lying.

Sehun was freaking scared of him to be really honest. But he wouldnt say it.

"Jungwoo go and wait at the outside, I will go and meet you later okay?," he curled up a sweet smile as he was saying that.

The little boy automatically nodded with his smile before running out of the room.

Sehun sighed out deeply as soon as he left. He glanced at the bathroom door and shook his head furiously.

His legs started stepping forward to find the suitable clothes for the boss as he demanded.

Honestly he couldn't stop thinking about just now, the sudden incident between them.

He had no idea Kai would be doing that to him, he kissed him, right on the lips, not just other place.

It was on his lips.

"What does he mean by that?," Sehun muttered under his heavy breath, he exhaled sharply.

The guy put the clothes he found on the bed before turning the door knob to walk out.

"Sehun, what are you thinking?," he said to himself while he was walking. "It doesn't mean anything at all," he kept on muttering to himself.

"H-He probably had done lots of this before to others," a light chuckle came out from his lips to cover his hurt feelings.

His steps suddenly stopped. "Why do I have to feel hurt?," he was confused of himself as well.

But seriously why did his heart twinged as he thought of it. It was for no reason.

"I wouldn't have feelings for him right?," this time, he shook his head even harder.

He snorted in annoyance. "Why would I be thinking about something like that?," he huffed once and continued going downstairs.

In the living room, there were Suho and Jungwoo, also an unfamiliar guy from him whom he never met before.

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