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Author's POV


Kai jostled the elder beside him with his elbow. His eyes were fixed on the other male across him who was already staring at him deadly without a word from his lips.

It was much more scarier than listening him snapped on his face though.

"You didn't remind me about this," he hissed to the other. He let out a sigh to catch the cranky expression on Sehun's as their eyes met.

I'm done.

Chanyeol gulped nervously. "I told you this morning while we were on the way to the office," he replied to it. It was not his fault.

Kai ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He awkwardly stepped closer to the person waiting for him in the waiting room.

"Mr Kim, good afternoon," Daniel greeted him calmly without any doubt and even hold out his hands towards the latter.

He glanced at the side to notice Sehun was staring at him. Which was good, he could show what he can do.

Kai nodded and shook his hand shortly. "Yeah, so what brings you here?," he uttered the question even when his attention was more to Sehun.

Daniel frowned. "Oh, we have an appointment to continue our meeting yesterday," he responded with a confused look.

Sehun deliberately huffed sharply and loud enough for Kai to hear. He purposely did that for the male to know what was he feeling right now.

"It is unusual for you to forget about this kind of important thing," the male lifted one of his eyebrows while looking at the other.

He heard Sehun as well. It was his purpose to annoy him even more.

Sehun hardly contain himself from bursting out at the moment if he did not remember Kai's reputation and it would be unprofessional to be acting so during working hours.

"Acting like you know him, tsk!," he barely whispered it and hopefully was loud enough for the said person to be hearing it.

Kai cleared his throat in awkwardness and tried hard to hide his own expression. He hinted for Chanyeol to usher the guest and headed towards the meeting room.

"Do you want to come?," Sehun rolled his eyes in annoyance as he heard that. Without saying anything,  he nodded and left afterwards.

He suddenly stopped his steps and turned his back. "Sorry, after you please Master," he smiled politely towards the boss.

Which was too scary for Kai at the moment.

Kai nodded in doubt but he started making his way to the room. It was works matters so no choice other than being professional.

He took his seat at his place and started the meeting right away. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, so we can proceed now?," he began talking.

It was like any other meeting should be, discussing about business.

Daniel leaned his back against the chair. "I guess there will not be any problem about this," he uttered and crossed his arms on his chest.

Kai nodded. "Don't worry, we will make sure for it to be smooth," he responded. He handed out his hand towards the other. "It's a pleasure to be able to work with you," he said that while standing up.

The other replied with the similar thing. "I feel the same, Mr Kim," he said those and flashed a smile, a meaningful one.

Kai handed the file to Chanyeol after both of them signed up. "I guess that is all for today?," he stood up right away. If could, he wanted to end it sooner.

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