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Author's POV

Crap. What should he do now?

"Oh gosh, what is going on here?," Sehun kept on struggling inside the strong arms as he heard that.

He finally managed to push him away and stood up. "Uh, hi," he awkwardly bowed down.

Honestly, he didn't have any idea who were they. They never met him before so it was really the first time.

"Oh, Hi," Baekhyun uttered after the long and awkward silence between them.

Sehun could feel the tense in the air between them. He glanced at the side and Kai was still sleeping.

Oh great. He's so helping.

"Seriously I will kick your ass out of the bed if you still don't want to wake up," he whispered audibly to the latter who was still in the bed.

He was really pissed off now.

Kai slowly grunted in his sleep before he opened his heavy eyes and sat up from sleeping.

Baekhyun blinked his eyes rapidly in shock to see that. "You can wake him up?," he questioned.

Sehun rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I guess, I did?," he was even more suprised.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?," Kai ruffled his hair in frustrated while looking at the elder with the half opened eyes.

Baekhyun crossed his arms on his chest. "We just got back," he replied. "So mind telling me what's going on here?."

Sehun felt like he needed to run away from the place right now. It was too awkward for him to stay in between.

So he decided to slowly stepped away from the two brothers and slipped away to the door.

But seemed like  he was not on his lucky side today, as his collar was dragged back.

He didn't have to turn around to look at who had done it. "Where are you going?," Kai questioned.

The latter was looking at him with his low and intimidated stares, making him flinced at his place.

"I-I just remember that your breakfast is not ready yet, so I will get it ready," Sehun grinned in embarassment and tried hard to avoid any eyes contacts.

Kai released a heavy sigh and turned to look at Baekhyun, with Chanyeol behind him.

"He's Sehun, my new assistant," he stated without bothered about anything else.

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes while turning to look at Sehun. Okay, now he felt scared.

What would Baekhyun do to him? Would he scream on his face like any typical dramas?

Thinking about it, really made Sehun felt more nervous. "N-Nice to meet you, I'm Sehun."

He unsurely greeted himself and was sure it the thing he needed to do after all.

Baekhyun stepped closer towards him still with his serious face, step by step closer to him.

"I'm Baekhyun," he finally greeted after the long intense silence. "Kai's brother," he uttered.

Oh, it was his brother.

Wait, what?!

His brother? His elder brother they were talking about?

Great. He's done. He would be done now.

"Jongin, for the first time in your life you can make a good choice," Baekhyun exclaimed in excitement while turning to look at Sehun.

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