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Author's POV

Sehun wandered non stop in the living room while his hand was holding his cell phone and didn't stop texting any numbers.

A deep sigh escaped his lips and his eyebrows furrowed to form a worried expression on his face.

The maids were looking at him with a symphatic look from the kitchen. They probably knew how worried Sehun would be.

"Can you reach him?," Sehun uttered the question for the recent times to the maids. But he got the same answer again and again.

He let out a frustrated grunting. "Where is he? " he began asking again and kept on dialling the same number again and again until he could got an answer.

But the only thing that answered was the operater's voice which he didn't want to hear.

"Master didn't come home until then, Sir," one of the maid uttered as Sehun was asking her. She bowed down deeply to be seeing the expression on Sehun.

Sehun nodded and asked her to leave before he let out a loud exclaim afterwards.

It had been near a week since he met Kai. After their quarrels that night, he could not get in touch with him or even met him.

Of course it was making him gone crazy. He was really really worried about the latter and he could not stop any wild thoughts on his mind.

"Kai, please," he mumbled under his heavy breath and tried calling the same number over again.

But nothing changed and he got the same answer.

His eyes were getting teary and he knew tears would flow out anytime. He was just feeling worried over Kai and...

...he missed him.

"Kai, don't do this to me," he kept on muttering the same thing again. The thing was Kai was not even in his office for this last one week.

No one could reach him, even Chanyeol or Baekhyun. Kris and Suho were the same, they couldn't get to call him.

Sehun could feel his heart was beating uncontrollably. He was afraid right now, really afraid if Kai might leave him.

He didn't want that to ever happen. He regretted all his actions towards the elder and if could, he would embrace him and muttered thousands sorry.

He had been thinking a lot since his talk with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Kai had been sacrificing lots of things for him even his safety for him.

But why he didn't do the same thing? He should have done the same thing if he truly loved him, and he wanted to do it.

"Sehunnie?," he jolted his head as he suddenly heard the familiar little boy's voice.

He tried to curl up a smile. "Hi Jungwoo," his arms was spreaded apart to pull the boy into his hug.

Suho was walking in afterwards with Kris. They both looked worried as well for Sehun.

Jungwoo buried himself in the latter's arms and soon lifted up his head to be seeing the trouble expression.

"Sehunnie," he spreaded out his hand to caress the elder's features softly. "Are you okay?," he asked with a sad smile.

Sehun chuckled lightly before nodding. "I'm okay," he ruffled the.boy's hair gently. "Don't worry okay?," he said again.

Jungwoo pouted. "Samcheon makes Sehunnie sad?," he suddenly questioned that and it made Sehun speechless.

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