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Author's POV

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion to be seeing Kai's sudden acting this morning.

It was actually since yesterday after they went back from the market. He was acting odd ever since and Sehun didn't have any idea why.

"Sehun?," his thoughts were startled as Suho called out his name. He turned around and flashed a smile to the elder.

Suho curled up his usual smile. "You are going home?," he questioned and the latter nodded.

Both of them walked to the front door as Kai was already outside and getting the car ready.

"Thank you for letting me stay, Hyung," Sehun uttered after a while. "I'm sorry for bothering you," he said again.

Suho shook his head.

He needed to be back now and Jungwoo was at school for now. If not, the little boy would not let him off.

"Not at all," he replied. "You are part of our family now," he stated those without any doubts. Well it was the truth.

Sehun could feel blush crept up his cheeks as he heard that. He felt glad and thankful to be hearing that from Suho.

"Thank you, Hyung."

"Let's go," a voice stopped both of them and automatically turned their head to the person.

Sehun frowned before turned to Suho. "I will go now, see you," he excused himself before wanting to walk away.

"Don't worry too much about him, he is probably jealous because of yesterday."

Suho was looking at him with a reassured smile that could not make Sehun to not sure about it.

He nodded slightly as a response to it before heading towards Kai who was already in the car.

Seemed like he was really not in the.mood.

"Kai?," Sehun called out softly as he stepped into the car. His eyes caught the tense on the latter's face.


He wanted to ask but it felt like his lips was sealed after seeing the expression on his face.

He leaned back against the chair. "Nevermind," he muttered and chose to swallow back his curiosity.

As he was in his own thought, he didn't even realise that he was pouting all the time and numerous expression showed on his face.

Kai was trying hard to hold back his smile. Sehun was too too adorable for his heart to handle.

It was not on purpose that he was acting like this. His mind was in a mess right now after the sudden meet with Daniel.

That guy was surely a mess.

Even by thinking or imagining Sehun could get catch again, he would gone really mad.

"Do you have anything you want to say?," he finally chose to utter a question first.

Sehun was startled. "Uh, n-no," he stammered and let out a nervous chuckles.

He kept on glancing at the latter.

Kai gave up. He really could not get mad if it was Sehun and the corner of his lips was curling up.

"A–Are you mad at me?," Sehun questioned and was playing with his fingers to hide his nervousness.

He slowly looked up at the latter while waiting for his answer and all he could see was Kai's softer expression.

There was no more straight and tense face.

"Sehun," Kai called out and he used his left hand to cup Sehun's face. "How can I be mad at you?," he shot a charming smile.

Sehun blushed and pushed the latter's hand away gently. He could not stop falling if he saw the smile.

"It is just Jungwoo. You won't be jealous over him right?," he placed his hand on Kai's arm while asking.

He pouted his lips. "Besides you know I love you," he murmured those words and truckled down to hide his embarrassment.

Kai automatically turned to look at him in surprise. "What?," his face lit up.


"What did you say just now?"

Sehun pretended to not remember what he just said. "I didn't say anything," it was too embarrassing to be saying that again.

But Kai was not satisfied with that. He wanted to make sure he was hearing the right thing.

"Sehunnie, say it again," he lifted one of his eyebrow to tease the younger.

Sehun responded with an annoyed snorted. His lips pouted to be teased like that while his cheeks get reddened.

He turned to the elder with an annoted stare. "No," he stated firmly once before turning away.

Kai let out a chuckle. He slowly leaned closer to the younger until his lips was near the latter's ear.

"I love you too."

He whispered right at the younger and leaned back like he had not done anything.

Sehun blinked his eyes while looking at the latter. A smile broke into his face afterwards. "You're not mad anymore right?," he asked.

Kai responded while shaking his head. "No, of course," he uttered to him.

He stretched out his hand to hold the younger's before grasping it tight. "Sorry to make you worry," he stated gently.

He admitted he should not put the anger on Sehun after all. It was obviously not his fault at all, but that guy.

Sehun looked at him with confused stares as he knew something was wrong with him.

"Kai, are you okay?," he finally decided to ask after fighting with his own thoughts.

"I'm okay, why do you ask?"

Sehun was not satisfied with that answer. He knew there was something going on but he didn't have any idea about it.

"You look worried," he softly uttered while his hand moved to caress the elder's jaw.

He could catch those feelings behind those eyes. "Something is bothering you hm?," he asked.

Kai responded with a soft and fond smile. "I'm fine, there is nothing," he replied.

It was better for Sehun to not know about this...right?

"You are here with me so there is nothing else I need," he announced and held his hands tight.

He was telling out the truth. But there was something that he needed to be careful with.


Hiii! Sorry for the short chapter and the next one will be longer 💗

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