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Author's POV

Chanyeol was glancing at his wrist watch for the recent times for this past few hours. His legs were wandering at the front door since just now.

"Chanyeol," he stopped wandering and turned his back around to see Lay was there.

Lay approached him. "What's wrong?," he questioned. "You look worried since just now," he said.

"Sehun still didn't enter the office," Chanyeol replied to that and plopped down on the seat with a worried expression on his face.

It was getting late and none of the calls were answered by Sehun. He was just worried if something might happen.

"Maybe it's the traffic jam, don't worry," Lay sounded to calm him even though he was feeling worried as well.

Chanyeol exhaled deeply. "I'm just worried about the deal," he confessed. "You know about it, Taehyun can do anything," he said and ruffled his own hair.

"Taehyun," Lay muttered as he remembered about something. "You're right, it can be," he said.

"Like this, track his car and tell me the location," Chanyeol sounded as he stood up and started walking. "I will tell Master about this," he stated.

Lay nodded as a response. "Got it," he responded and walked away to do what he needed to.

Chanyeol straightly went to the room afterwards. He knocked twice before entering the room.

"Master," he called out as soon as he stepped into the room where Kai was trying to call someone.

Kai turned around as he heard the door was being opened. "Yes, what's wrong?," he asked.

Chanyeol took a deep breath before uttering anything. "Sehun is still not here," he announced.

"Got any calls from him?," Kai questioned as he was still dialling the same number again and again.

"No," Chanyeol replied. "I tried calling as well but his number is not in service," he stated.

Kai ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Where are you, Sehun?," he muttered to himself.

He closed his eyes tight and could feel scared thinking he might lose Sehun now.

"Do anything to track his location, I want it as soon as possible!," he exclaimed and soon after that the door was bursted open.

Lay walked in towards them. "I have tracked his car's location and the last place is near the restaurant he always went to buy breakfast," he started explaining and showed the things he found.

Kai exhaled sharply as hearing that. "Anything else?," he asked.

"I have sent some of the men to search the place so we will be hearing about it soon," Lay continued and caught the worried and scared expression on Kai.

"Master, I have a feeling this has something to do with Taehyun," Chanyeol uttered after a while.

Kai turned to him. He agreed with
Chanyeol's words as well. "It can be," he muttered.

He let out a harsh breath. As soon as he heard a notification from his cell phone, he took it out and looked at the text message he just got.

His eyes widened in shock and his jaw clenched in anger at the moment. "Damn it!," he hissed in anger.

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