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Author's POV

Love. For most people, it was a beautiful thing for them.

Sehun had lost his parents when he was still young. He lost the love from his parents since he was still young.

It was a tragic thing that happened right in front of his two eyes.

He was still a little boy that time and he could only cry as he saw the incident. 

His both parents was killed right in front of his two eyes. Right in front of him.

Sehun could clearly see it and he clearly remembered those things. It was really hard to forget about it.


Sehun was still confused when his mother carried him in hurry and ran into the room.

He looked down and saw Luhan was running as well while holding his mother's hand.

He tilted his head and could see tears coming out from her eyes. "Eomma is crying?," he asked and his hand moved to touch her cheeks.

Sehun's mother cried even more when she heard that. "No, Sehunnie doesn't have to worry okay?," she said.

She ran quickly and slammed the door closed before locking it. He carefully put Sehun on the bed.

Luhan sat down beside Sehun and tried to tell him that everything was fine.

"Hyung, what happened?," he asked and looked at Luhan.

The elder kid released a heavy sigh before stroking Sehun's hair softly. "Sehunnie doesn't have to worry okay?," he said that.

After few minutes, a loud knocking resounded and startled three of them.there.

Sehun was scared when he saw his father entered the room with sweats and panic expressions.

He turned around and looked at them. "Take Sehun and Luhan, run away now," he exclaimed to his mother.

"Then what about you?," she asked in panic. "I could not leave you here," Sehun's father shook his head furiously.

He held his wife's hand and looked deeply into her eyes. "Please, they will not stop until they kill me," he stated.

"I can't leave you here," as soon as she said that, a loud stomping was heard from outside of the room.

They was really panick and Sehun's father quickly pulled Luhan and Sehun before asking them to hide under thr bed.

"Appa, don't leave Sehunnie," Sehun whined with his teary eyes. He looked up at his father.

The guy sighed deeply and placed a long kiss on his son's forehead. "Sehunnie, appa and eomma love you so much."

He turned to look at Luhan. "Luhannie, please take care of Sehunnie," he said softly and stroked his hair softly.

Sehun could already feel that he was not going to meet his parents. He wanted to cry but Luhan already carried him and his under the bed.

He wanted to yell but Luhan sealed his lips with his hand. "Shh, don't cry," he uttered softly.

As soon after that, the door was opened harshly and few guys entered the room.

Sehun could not understand a thing including when his father pleaded to them until he heard his mom crying.

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