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Author's POV

"Sehun, are you sure you will be fine?," Kai's voice was heard over the cellphone. Sehun released a sigh after hearing the question for the recent times.

He let out a chuckle. "I'm really sure!," he replied. "You don't have to worry too much okay?," he tried to reassure the elder.

Kai huffed sharply. "If not because of this damn meeting I'm already there with you," he really wanted to be with Sehun rather than being here. 

He was not being worried for no reasons. It was just, he had been thinking if the same thing could ever happened to Sehun like before.

It was the time where Kai felt scared the most and he knew he did not want for it to be happening ever again.

Losing Sehun was the thing he did not want to imagine facing it. 

Sehun smiled as a response. Kai needed to go for a meeting with Chanyeol and for something that he did not have to know so he assumed it had to do with those mafia thingy.

"I will tell you if anything," he said again. "So focus on your work before Chanyeol Hyung would nag you again," he reminded.

"He is already starting it actually," Kai glanced at the elder who was sitting across him, telling him to be more focused.

He sighed for the recent times as Chanyeol was already calling him to get ready. "I need to go now," he reluclantly stood up from his seat. "Call me if anything, okay?," he reminded again.

Sehun grinned. "I will, see you later," he said those before the call ended.

He knew that Kai was just worried over him and it was all because of the past incident. Well he admitted that he was afraid as well but he did not want to make the elder worried even more.

He kept the phone in the pocket and began walking towards the car which was parked at the front of the building. As he got in the car, his stomach started to grumble out of sudden.

"Yeah, I haven't eaten anything yet," he muttered to himself as he remembered that he did not have anything yet since morning. 

Sehun started the car and began driving it out of the place. He was thinking to get something to eat first before going home.

As he was driving, he suddenly remembered about the moment before he was dragged into what he was now. Before meeting Kai.

He unconsciously smiled to be thinking about the possibilities if he did not meet Kai. It must be really different from what he was right now.

Maybe he would never know about the secrets of his family and Luhan would keep on hiding it from him. He would still be clueless about it even now.

But never once he regretted the meeting between him and Kai. It was something that he felt thankful the most. 

He could feel his cheeks burning up of the thought of Kai. Ahh, he had really fell so hard for him.

As he parked the car at the suitable place, he get off and started walking to the restaurant he saw. He had no choice since he was already so hungry and waiting for Kai would be so long.

Sehun sat down on the empty spot he found, ordering what he wanted and waited for it while being glued on his cellphone. He frowned and chuckled lightly as he received a text from Kai.

Wasn't he supposed to be in a meeting right now?

He was smiling all along while replying to the text messages from Kai. Chanyeol would be mad if he found out about this but what could he do if the boss himself started it?

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