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Author's POV

Sehun was leaning against the sink counter in the toilet while waiting for Jungwoo. H e wanted to help the little boy but he insisted to get it done by his own.

Saying things like "Jungwoo is a grown up boy, Jungwoo can do it alone."

Well Sehun couldn't help but to let him. He will just wait for the boy to be done. He was looking through his cellphone and exchanging text messages with Baekhyun.

When suddenly his phone tinged with a notification popped up on his screen. "Hm?," he furrowed his eyebrows as he opened the message he got from an unknown number.


You will never get him. He is mine.

Be careful, you might regret it if not.

He could only let out a scoff. Anyone could tell who was the one sending this to him. He was thinking whether to reply to him or chose to just acknowledged it.

"Sehunnie?," he lifted his headfrom the screen to see the little boy walking out of the cubicle with a wide smile on his face, despite that his pants was wet.

Sehun chuckled and tucked his phone into the pocket. "Come here," he helped the boy to fix his pants. "You know you can ask me for helps, right?," he smiled.

Jungwoo pouted while he shook his head. "Jungwoo has grown up and Sehunnie started to sound like mommy now," he replied while scolding Sehun this time.

The elder only grinned. "Fine then, let's go now," he patted the boy's head gently before leading him out of the toilet.

Both of them walked out of the restroom and straightly went to the entrance where Kai was already waiting for them. He shot a smile when suddenly a person bumped his shoulder until he almost fell down.

He scowled hard while muffling his curses. "What the f-," he bit his bottom lips before those words could come out. Sehun looked over his shoulder but the person was already nowhere to be seen.

"Sehunnie, are you okay?," Jungwoo questioned while lifting up his face to see the elder.

It was definitely not a good idea to let the little boy heard his cursing.

Sehun hid his annoyance by smiling. "Yep, let's go," he continued to walk towards Kai. As soon as the boy saw his uncle, he loosened their hand grip and jumped into the uncle's arms.

Kai carried his nephew in his arms. "Excited hm?," he let out a soft chuckle to be seeing the excitement inside those innocent eyes.

He turned to Sehun, smiling softly at him before sliding his hands into the other's. Chuckling as Sehun widened his eyes for his actions.

Sehun was half-heartedly tried to pull his hand away because he was too shy but Kai's grip was stronger so in the end, he just let him be.

Of course he would never tell Kai how he loved it when the elder held his hand gently like this and how their hands fitted each other so perfectly.

He suddenly remembered about the text but seeing how excited Jungwoo was, he decided to talk about it later. He did not want to spoil the mood right now and knowing that Kai would definitely changed the plans.

"Let's go," Kai softly uttered and leaded three of them into the place where they could already see various types of rides as well as figurines all over the places.

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