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Sehun's POV

I took a deep breath to calm myself down after the just now scene. It was really surprising.

But confusing in the same time.

Why would he be saying that to me? I was totally speechless, no words could come out from my lips at that moment. 

His words sounded firm and I know I could not protest those words. 

"Sehunnie?," my thoughts ended as a boy's voice startled me. I lowered my head and saw Jungwoo was standing near my legs.

He was lifting up his face to look up at me. "Yes, Jungwoo," I crouched down to meet his height and questioned. 

Jungwoo showed off his grinning smile as a respond. "Sehunnie didn't hear when Jungwoo was calling," he pouted his lips in annoyance.

I let out a light chuckle as seeing the adorable expression from Jungwoo. He was too cute and I could not help but to love him more.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you were here," I responded softly while ruffling his hair. "Let's go to your eomma then," he nodded and held my fingers with his tiny hands.

Jungwoo straightly ran into Kai's arms as we reached the living room which all the family members were gathering. 

I felt slightly awkward right now. Why not cause I'm the only stranger here.

"Samcheon, can Jungwoo sleep with Sehunnie tonight?," the little boy questioned while lifting up his head to look up at the elder.

Kai arched his eyebrows as he heard that. "But Sehunnie will be sleeping with samcheon, do you want to be in between us then?," he started teasing the boy and I was flustered with what I just heard.

Jungwoo pouted. "Jungwoo doesn't want to sleep with samcheon, only Sehunnie," he stated firmly while holding my hand. 

I was sure that my face was already reddened as those two were fighting. I knew probably what Kai said just now was just a joke to tease Jungwoo.

But after I heard what Kai stated to me just now, I felt that there was some other meanings behind those words.

"Sehun," my thoughts ended when someone just called my name suddenly.

"Come and sit here, just let those two keep quarelling with each other," Suho uttered and patted the empty seat beside him.

I was unsure but I still approached him and took a seat right beside him. Okay, now I felt like I was in the middle of some family gathering

"Kai really likes you that much," Kris suddenly stated after a while of silence between us. "He never brought anyone to live with him or introduce anyone to us," he explained clearly for me to understand.

I was actually curious about the same thing. I didn't have any idea why did Kai being this nice towards me but not to others?

People around me kept saying bad things about him, like how scary and heartless he was but I didn't even experience that at all.

He was nice, I could say.

"By any chance, I know he likes you," those words made me widened his eyes in suprised and the moments from just now passed into my mind.

Well, that was kind of make sense but impossible in the same time. How could a guy like possibly fell for someone like me though?

My lips stuttered in embarassment. "I-It's impossible," I let out an awkward chuckle while rubbing the back of my neck to calm down.

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