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Author's POV

Sehun bit his bottom lips nervously and sat down on the bed while his eyes were watching Kai.

He remembered the things happened just now and what he said to Kai. But nothing changed.

Kai was still looking calm as ever and those words like didn't even affect him.

Just now, after those words were uttered from his lips, Kai just broke the stares and they straightly went home.

But he forced Sehun to sleep in his room and didn't even let Sehun to protest any words.

It was irritating to be facing this. Wasn't he the one who confessed to him first?

But now Kai was acting like it was nothing. He pretended like he didn't hear those words from Sehun.

"Sehun," Kai's sudden call startled him from his own thoughts and noticed Kai was staring at him.

The younger snorted as their eyes met. "Yeah?," he reluctantly replied to him.

"What's wrong?," Kai questioned as he studied the expression on Sehun's face. "Something bothering you?," he asked again.

Sehun turned to look at him in disbelief. "Do you seriously ask me that?," he retorted.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh yeah, why?," he was shocked to receive the glare from Sehun as he said those.

Sehun exhaled sharply and turned his attention away. "You didn't take it seriously right?," he began uttering.

"What do you mean?," the elder questioned, still with frown on his face while looking at Sehun.

"Those words, I said to you," he sighed out as he finally understood what Sehun was talking about.

He turned to Sehun. "Sehun, I don't want you to say those out of pity for me," Kai stated and tried to explain which made Sehun bursted.

"Pity? Do you think I said those out of pity?," Sehun questioned in disbelief. He grabbed the bed sheets to hold back his anger.

Kai exhaled deeply. "I told you I will never force you so you don't have to say those to make me feel fine," he caught the sadness behind those beautiful eyes as he said those.

He swore he wanted to kill himself for making Sehun felt this way.

"Kai, you said that you will make me fall for you," Sehun uttered and shifted closer to Kai. "You did, you make me fall for you," he said.

Kai still couldn't believe his ears. He was still unsure of what he just heard.
"Sehun, are you sure?," he questioned and saw those sincere stares from Sehun.

Sehun nodded and moved his hand to brush against the handsome features. "I'm more than sure, Jongin," he announced.

Their lips met again that night and this time, Sehun was the one who started it.

Kai didn't expect it but he liked it. His arms was wrapped around Sehun and pushed him to the bed gently.

"You can do it this time, I won't stop you," Sehun announced as soon as their kiss ended. He encircled his arms around the elder's neck.

"I love you, Sehun," Kai stated once again before he brought both of them into a passionate kiss, drowning them together.

Sehun let out a small whimper as he felt the warm sensation through his body when their skins touched.

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