Part 32

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When the group had gotten to the train they picked a compartment further back for themselves. Pansy had to sit next to Blaise as the small boy had been giving him side glances every time the dark-skinned man had tried to go near Draco. "I apologized already, what more can I do?" Blaise was feeling slightly irritated even though he knew apologizing doesn't always fix things. "I forgive you Blaise that doesn't mean that I trust you." The boy sighed, he no longer felt angry towards Blaise but he was nowhere ready to trust him again.

"I understand and I'll start working towards trust again." the small boy nodded and sat in silence for a moment before he thought about the fact that he had taken away Draco's choice. "Did you want me to move? I forgot to ask before. I've just been by your side the whole time." (y/n) finally looked away from Blaise and over to Draco who just shrugged at him before shaking his head to say 'no'. Pansy sighed as she looked at everyone, "This is going to be a long ride."

As Pansy had said, it was a very long ride. They sat in silence for a long while until eventually, Draco had fallen asleep on the boy next to him. "You should wake him up now, we're about to get to the platform." Blaise pointed out as he looked out the window. Despite the fact that the small boy didn't know if he could trust Blaise he needed to act like it. (y/n) shook the blonde softly while whispering that he needed to get up because they were about to see his father. At the mention of Draco's father, the pale boy sat up straight and looked around. "Do I still look presentable?" The boy's greyish blue eyes met with the other's (e/c) ones.

"You just need to smooth out your clothes a little once we stand up but other than that you look perfect." The boy coughed a little as he felt awkward. Pansy had elbowed Blaise once she saw how they acted with each other. She had noticed a big difference in behavior since this morning and she wanted to know what happened but decided not to ask yet. A little while later, the train had stopped and after making sure everyone looked perfect they got off and stood at the platform waiting. "Children, the car awaits us." A voice came from behind the group of kids.

They all quickly turned around and found Lucius in the front while his wife stood slightly behind him with a warm smile on her face. They all started to walk together as they finally spotted the long sleek car that awaited them. "Draco, I've told you to dress appropriately when meeting me, you still have yet to do so." Lucius looked at his son now that they were all seated in the back. The driver started off and made sure to close the little window between them. "I find it hardly fair that you think I'm presentable but Draco isn't. We're in the same attire." The small boy looked at everyone as they visibly tensed.

He found it odd, it was like no one was allowed to speak. "He looks alright compared to you. My son isn't supposed to be outshined by anyone." Lucius looked down at the boy and gave a forced smile which caused him to look as if he was trying to hold in his lunch. "I suppose you're correct however it was my fault that he's dressed improperly. I was sleeping and had no clue about the fact that I was supposed to be getting ready as well. He had to wake me and explain everything, blame me." (y/n) held his head high and made sure to gave eye contact at all times, he never once broke it.

No one had spoken or moved a muscle since the first time he spoke but Pansy caught when Draco had pulled on the other boy's clothes as a warning. At that moment the
(h/c)ette wanted to break eye contact with the older man in front of him but didn't. "Very well, it's your fault then." Lucius nodded and knocked his cane on the wall of the car slightly while looking at the younger one. This made the boy shrug and finally look away. "How has your home been Mrs. Malfoy?" The boy looked at her with a bright smile and when the woman gave him a warm smile back he felt better.

"The manor has been quite alright. We don't have to do much since the house-elves are there, you can call me Narcissa." The dark-haired woman looked at the two boys that sat in front of her and smiled. She felt slightly worried about where this was leading. Already the (s/c) one had spoken back to her husband multiple times, but she was grateful that her son didn't have to endure any of it for now. "Lovely, how many house-elves do you have?" the boy was curious about how many it took to take care of a manor. "Just one, Dobby." Narcissa watched as her son now seemed interested in her conversation.

"Really, just one for a manor? I find it quite odd but perhaps you didn't want to spend time looking for another one." The boy shrugged his shoulders but made sure to smile and be as polite as possible for the rest of the ride. He didn't want to upset anyone and definitely didn't want Lucius to tell his father that he was misbehaving. The boy wouldn't have been worried about anyone else but he knew for sure that Lucius would tell on him. "(y/n) I don't suppose you'd mind coming with me to the kitchen before getting settled in?" Narcissa looked at the boy as the vehicle slowed to a stop.

"Of course not, if there's anything I can help with, then I'll try my best to help." The boy smiled at her once more and not even a moment later Lucius had patted him on the shoulder. "No one likes a suck-up." As the blonde man walked away the other boy rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying to behave in the proper manner mister Malfoy."

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now