Part 29

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Draco couldn't keep his eyes off of the group that sat away from him. They seemed happy without him there and he hated it. He hated that they couldn't have a care in the world when he wasn't there. He wanted them to care about the fact that he sat away and hadn't talked to a single one of them. Just as the pale boy was about to look away his eyes got caught a certain pair of (e/c) ones. He was caught looking and it made him irritated. The irritation didn't last as the (s/c) boy sent a small smile his way.

With a small huff, Draco left his seat and started off to class. He decided that he would stay away from them for as long as possible. They didn't care for him anyway. "Hey wait up! You walk so fast." The shorter boy was running to catch up to the taller male. He had felt guilty about everything that happened yesterday and he had no idea why. He shouldn't care but he couldn't help it. He wanted to be friends. "I'm sorry about yesterday." The (h/c) haired boy looked over at Draco and watched as the pale boy's face had confusion written all over it.

It was true, Draco was beyond confused as to why the boy would apologize to him. It was his own fault anyway. "Why the bloody hell are you apologizing?" The blonde looked down at the other boy as they walked to potions together. It was odd for him to have someone other than Crabbe and Goyle walking beside him but it didn't bother him in the slightest since he actually liked the (h/c)ette. "I don't know really. I felt guilty and well, you were looking at me. I shouldn't have taken you seriously besides you probably don't hate me and I was just being sensitive." The boy looked at Draco's face for the answer to all his questions and he got it for a split second when the pale boy's face showed a small bit of guilt. It made him feel awkward while he was explaining but this way they would both understand.

"I'm not going to apologize." Draco coughed a little as he opened the door to the classroom and waited for the other boy to walk through. He didn't bother to hold the door open for the other people that were almost there. "I wasn't expecting you to." The (s/c) boy laughed as he sat down in his usual seat but was surprised to feel that Draco had sat next to him. "I could've if I wanted to you know, apologize, I mean." Draco nudged the boy with his elbow to get his attention since he wasn't facing his direction. (y/n) faced the pale boy and looked into his eyes but regretted it instantly as he felt his cheeks heat up. He hated the blueish grey eyes that he looked into at this very moment.

"Yeah I mean, yes, I know that you could've I just didn't think you would." The boys sat there looking at each other for a moment completely unaware of everyone else in the room. They were especially unaware of the dark clothed professor glaring at them. "Why?" Draco grew curious and wanted to know the reasoning behind his answer. He didn't feel like a terrible person and so he started to wonder if the smaller boy thought he was. "It doesn't seem like you to swallow your pride for long enough to apologize to someone." (y/n) didn't have a problem with being honest. He would give his honest opinion to anyone, even when it wasn't asked for.

After that, classes seemed to pass by quickly and now Draco found himself walking to the black lake, alone. Everything was fixed and yet he still felt alone. He left class alone and carried on with his day, alone. As he sat against the tree he couldn't help but feel this overwhelming sadness creep upon him. He hated it and he thought of how weak it made him feel. The boy had felt droplets fall onto his hands and had thought it was raining until he realized that he was crying. He sat there crying until he felt arms wrap around him. He couldn't see anyone as his eyes were blurry from all the tears.

"Aren't I too young to feel this way? To feel alone and like the world will never give me anything but bad? I have no one. My own father doesn't want me and I sit alone with no one." The boy couldn't help but spill everything he was thinking. It was true. He was too young to feel like the world will be forever against him. He was too young to feel completely and utterly alone. He was far too young to feel this overwhelming sadness and pressure to be perfect. He was just a boy. He had no idea what life was about to hand to him but he was still so sure it was something bad.

The pale boy kept crying into the arms that held him and eventually he felt a hand run through his hair. His breathing started to slow down and he felt his eyes start to close. A few moments had passed and (y/n) felt the boy go limp in his arms so he carefully fixed their position. Draco now laid on him and he sat there holding him. It was heartbreaking to hear how he felt but regardless of it all, he hadn't stopped crying for one second. Hours quickly passed and the boy was getting excited as the sun was starting to set and he was able to see all the different colors in the sky.

Unintentionally the boy started to rub the blonde's back as he looked at the sun slowly going down. This moment felt unbelievably peaceful to him and he didn't even care to find a reason. He just sat there smiling as he looked at the oranges and pinks of the sky.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now