Part 24

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A few moments had passed and sure enough, the blondes head had fallen softly onto the (s/c) boy's shoulder. "Sure we can." the boy looked over at Levi with a small smile. His cheeks were a light shade of pink and his stomach felt as if it had exploded. Nothing could ruin this moment. "First of all, I would just like to say I knew you liked blokes!" Pansy squealed as she grabbed Fred's arm tightly. The boy frowned as he realized he was wrong, the moment was ruined.

"I don't like blokes. Stop being ridiculous, besides, you wouldn't want me to say something right about now." The boy smiled at her sweetly even though his intentions were anything but sweet. (y/n) noticed how Draco had oddly pushed himself closer. It was odd to the boy but he didn't mind at all. Besides he wanted to be friends with the pale boy so he'll act like it until the blonde boy lets him.

"Okay but guys am I actually annoying?" Levi was anxious as he had tried to bring it up multiple different times but the conversation never stayed long enough for him to actually ask. Everyone was ready to shake their heads no but unexpectedly Draco spoke up, "I'll say yes if you keep asking, now let me sleep you git." A frown was prominent on the pale boy's face and once again he moved closer to the warmth that was next to him. As soon as he noticed the thing he was leaning on moved he sat up right and opened his eyes. Draco looked to his left and saw the (h/c)ette sitting there looking at him with a curious expression.

"What the bloody hell are you looking at?" Draco was completely shocked and his face was quickly turning red. (Y/n) thought it was quite the adorable sight and just shook his head. "So... let's talk about last week?" Levi looked around at everyone. He kept his eyes on Draco who was starting to fall back asleep.

(y/n) shook his head as he thought about how there was nothing to talk about. The events from last week were obvious. "There's nothing to talk about, Zabini can't be t-trusted." The boy was speaking calmly until the blonde's head once again hit his shoulder. George looked at everyone in slight confusion since no one had told him about what happened. "Lucius found out that we were all pulling a prank thanks to a letter from Blaise. He was most likely jealous." The (s/c) boy looked at George while he was speaking as everyone else already knew this information. After all, they were there when it all happened.

"Jealous of what?" Pansy had her brows scrunched up in confusion as she thought about how Blaise had no reason to be jealous. Maybe he was upset about not being able to be part of the prank. "I think he fancies you." After the boy had said what was on his mind everyone started to laugh. The laughter caused irritation and confusion to rise up in the boy since he didn't know what was so funny.

"Why would he fancy Pansy?" Levi spoke with a smile on his face and it shocked the (s/c) boy. He hadn't seen Levi smile all week and all it took was for him to crack a joke. "He was always accusing me of being with her or wanting to be with her." The boy's face was expressionless as he was dead serious and wanted everyone to believe him. No one said anything for a while but the air was nowhere near awkward. They were all too comfortable with each other for that.

An awkward silence would most likely happen if the other Slytherin was awake, but since he wasn't, everyone felt comfortable. "Am I annoying? Why would he call me a rat?" Levi gave up on trying to bring it up and as the silence grew the thought started to bother him more and more. He was a sensitive person and actually cared for people's opinion of him. Often times the tan boy had caught himself wondering how he had even made it into Slytherin.

"No, you're not annoying. I have no idea why he would say that but my guess is that he's insecure. He probably doesn't enjoy that you're better looking than him and hanging out with Pansy." (y/n) shrugged a little but tensed quickly as he waited for the boy leaning on him to wake. However, the moment never came and the boy soon realized that Draco had fallen into a deep sleep and probably wouldn't wake until someone shook him awake.

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