Part 23

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The group had now entered the courtyard and was standing only a few feet away from the pair of taller boys. "Well if it isn't my favorite redheads." (y/n) looked at them with excitement. The boy was ready to have some socializing back in his life. Fred had his eyes on Pansy the whole time. He had meant to look away but he couldn't help it, he wanted to know why she had been avoiding him. She had been doing a terrible job of keeping it subtle. Every time he would walk in her direction she would freeze up then walk off going the opposite way. Even when he was only headed to class he noticed her taking turns that would lead her to a longer hallway.

Shaking his head he put a smile on his face and looked down at the
(h/c)ette, "We all know Ron is your favorite." Fred patted the boy on the shoulder before going to walk off. However, he was stopped when a hand grabbed his arm. "Wait! You have to come with us... both of you do actually." (y/n) had panicked for a moment and mentally kicked himself for grabbing onto Fred. It wasn't like him to do such a thing and it made him think he had hung out with Pansy too much. Quickly letting go of Fred a few forced coughs made its way out of the boy's mouth. Everyone was staring at him so he figured it was the least he could do to defuse the awkward atmosphere.

"For what?" George finally broke his silence and had expected for (y/n) to respond but a certain blonde took the opportunity to use his sharp tongue. "He's planning on kidnapping us all. He wants us all to become the best of buddies and have a friendship circle. Maybe he'll even let us make friendship bracelets." Draco was sure to use a sarcastic tone so no one thought he was serious. Friendship circles and friendship bracelets sounded like something the Hufflepuff's did in their common room. "Friendship bracelets sound sort of nice." Levi nodded his head to Draco's words. It was true, friendship bracelets were something he's always wanted to do but never had friends to do it with.

"Wait so everyone here is going? Everyone agreed to this?" George was completely shocked he wanted to know how it was possible that the small boy had gotten Malfoy to join them. Even Pansy going was a shock to him since Fred had told him all about her avoiding him. "I wouldn't say agree, I did say kidnap." Draco was paying no attention to the Weasley as he was too busy glaring at Silverman in disgust. He was starting to wonder how Levi had made it into Slytherin instead of Hufflepuff. He for sure, thought,  that the sorting hat had made a mistake with this one.

"Alright, Freddie and I are in." George smiled down at the group of people in front of him but his eyes got caught in the blueish-green orbs of the tanned boy who wanted a friendship bracelet.

"Come on then, we're going to the lake." (y/n) smiled at the redheads and started to walk away with an even bigger group than the one he had shown up with. "Should we go get Ron?" Fred ruffled the boy's hair causing the (s/c) boy to quickly reach up and fix it. The small boy was debating on what to say. He thought about how nice it would be to hang out with Ron. The only problem was everywhere Ron went Hermione and Harry were always right behind him. "No way. Two Weasley's is more than enough and besides everywhere he goes Granger and Saint Potter follow." Draco rolled his eyes as he thought it was obvious as to why having Ronald here was not a good idea.

They all walked in silence as they arrived at the black like. The (h/c)ette walked over to the familiar tree and sat against but not before removing his robe and placing it on the grass next to him. "Mr. Malfoy, your seat." the boy held his arms out to the spot beside him and smiled. Draco just huffed but still took the spot as he really didn't want to dirty his uniform. Draco's cheeks heated up just slightly as he sat down because for some reason he couldn't keep the chivalrous act out of his head. "So now that we're here, what do we do?" Levi scratched his head a little and it made (y/n) laugh as his friend reminded him of a dog.

The thought of telling him what he wanted them here for did cross his mind but he just decided to give the less informative option. "Just sit down and enjoy each other's company." the boy shrugged slightly but watched as everyone sat down and started to converse with one another. It made him happy to see everyone sitting together and being happy. He had been told of the tragic events that were thanksgiving and so he decided he would no longer have a thanksgiving.

He would simply just have this every year... a friendsgiving of sorts. Draco yawned as he looked at everyone in front of him. It truly was a sight to see, Gryffindors and Slytherins getting along.

It was weird, although, he doesn't really count Silverman as a Slytherin. Draco had noticed that Pansy took a liking to one of the Weasley's. It was so blatantly obvious to him and yet she still hasn't told him. Draco's eyes started to close and he was silently cursing at himself for falling asleep when he had just woken up not too long ago. "Draco's fallen asleep." Pansy pointed over at her pale friend that was slowly starting to fall to his side. She hadn't said anything about him falling since he would later fall onto someone rather than falling on the grass. "Now that he's asleep can we please talk about last week?" Levi looked at everyone with puppy dog eyes but had no idea that he was giving them.

I love my Hufflepuffs! I read somewhere (as a joke) they would make friendship bracelets in the common room. I had to include it.

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