Part 34

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The two boys quickly walked off to find their friends, "Draco show me around." (y/n) looked at all the paintings on the wall. The small boy had noticed how dark it was in the manor but he didn't seem to mind it at all. It was sort of nice.. he always had a dream of living in one of those big dark places that you only see in the films. He thought that it fit him well, "bossy." Draco looked to his side and noticed that the smaller boy wasn't looking at him and so he took the time to look him over. It was odd how he fit in well at the manor. The blonde noticed that no matter what the (s/c) boy was wearing he'd always have a hint of black on.

The two boys walked along a hallway that could be seen from the front doors. The taller of the two stopped at a door and opened it, "In you go." the smaller boy almost listened but quickly stopped as he thought this was some sort of trick. "Why do I have to go in first?" The (h/c)ette looked at the pale boy in front of him but didn't get a response so the boy walked forward carefully muttering a small 'thank you' on his way in. Upon entrance (y/n) was left stunned the room was beautiful. The walls were still quite dark but there was a giant window and there were many instruments along with seats in the room.

The room seemed to have gold accents to it and it really did knock the breath out of him. The room was stunning and he wanted to play every instrument that laid within it. "Draco.. do you know how to play any of these?" The (e/c) eyed boy looked over at the pale boy who was comfortably seated in a leather chair. "I'm starting to learn piano.. I know how to play the cello. I'll be able to play all of these by our last year hopefully. I don't fancy metal instruments.. these are all string." Draco looked at the boy who seemed to be in heaven. It was an adorable sight that would make even the coldest heart smile.

"Play for me." the smaller boy flashed Draco a smile as if to say please but there was no room for question in his tone. "Very demanding, I'm not sure I should." Draco crossed his arms and pretended to think about everything. He was going to play but there was no fun in giving up so easily. "I helped you look perfect for your father." The small boy stated bluntly but he still had a smile on his face. The pale boy scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous, I didn't ask you to help me..." despite it being a lie, Draco got up and walked over to the shorter boy making sure to get close. "Don't forget, you're in my home." Draco could see how red the other boy was getting but didn't move.

This was a game, right? (y/n) didn't back down from this challenge despite the warm feeling in his face. He held eye contact with Draco the whole time making sure to stare into those blue-grey eyes of his. The only thing that bothered the smaller boy more than his face being red was that he was finding it incredibly easy to get lost in Draco's eyes. "I'm still a guest.. besides, I just want to see how bad you are." The (h/c)ette was finding it incredibly hard not to walk away. He wanted to turn around and not be this close to the pale boy but he didn't move. "You think I'm bad at playing?" Draco lowered his voice as he started to get confused, this no longer felt like a game.

"Show me that you're not." (y/n) matched his voice to Draco's and finally looked away. This felt different than it did only moments ago. Draco moved away from the smaller boy and grabbed the cello. He was sure to be quick about setting everything up and so the (s/c) boy went to seat himself in the same spot the blonde had been in. The pale boy had gotten himself ready but couldn't help the nervous feeling that he was getting. Cello was the first instrument that he had learned to play. He was only eight when he had first picked it up and he was sure that he was good at it but he was still as nervous as ever.

As the blonde started to play (y/n) was in complete shock at how amazing it sounded. Draco was only eleven and yet he had learned to play fluently. It was the best thing that the smaller boy had heard in a long time. At first, the blonde was nervous but as he started to play everything fell into place. The whole world melted away and he played with every ounce of feeling that he had. As soon as Draco had placed the instrument down (y/n) ran over to him, "You're amazing!" The pale boy couldn't help but laugh at the smaller one's reaction. It was better than what he was hoping for.

"Come on, let me show you the other rooms." the (h/c)ette watched as Draco once again held the door open for him. The two boys quickly walked out and went down a little further until Draco stopped again, "This is the library, you can go in if you want." (y/n) shook his head, there was no point he knew what a library was. If he wanted to come back and look at the books then he'd do so later. "Let's skip this one." Both boys walked down to the last door that was in the middle of the hall. Draco pushed the two doors open and revealed a large room. "How come this one is the only bright room?" the (h/c)ette looked at the blonde with curious eyes. The room was still very pretty to the small boy, but the color of the room had piqued his interest.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now